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Quran 29: 31. And when Our envoys brought Abraham the good news, they said, “We are going to destroy the people of this town; its people are wrongdoers.”
32. He said, “Yet Lot is in it.” They said, “We are well aware of who is in it. We will save him, and his family, except for his wife, who will remain behind.”
33. Then, when Our envoys came to Lot, they were mistreated, and he was troubled and distressed on their account. They said, “Do not fear, nor grieve. We will save you and your family, except for your wife, who will remain behind.”
34. “We will bring down upon the people of this town a scourge from heaven, because of their wickedness.”
35. And We left behind a clear trace of it, for people who understand.
36. And to Median, their brother Shuaib. He said, “O my people, worship God and anticipate the Last Day, and do not spread corruption in the land.”
37. But they rejected him, so the tremor overtook them, and they were left motionless in their homes.
38. And Aad and Thamood. It has become clear to you from their dwellings. Satan embellished for them their deeds, barring them from the path, even though they could see.
39. And Quaroon, and Pharaoh, and Hamaan—Moses went to them with clear arguments, but they acted arrogantly in the land. And they could not get ahead.
40. Each We seized by his sin. Against some We sent a sandstorm. Some were struck by the Blast. Some We caused the ground to cave in beneath them. And some We drowned. It was not God who wronged them, but it was they who wronged their own selves.
41. The likeness of those who take to themselves protectors other than God is that of the spider. It builds a house. But the most fragile of houses is the spider’s house. If they only knew.
42. God knows what they invoke besides Him. He is the Almighty, the Wise.
43. These examples—We put them forward to the people; but none grasps them except the learned.
44. God created the heavens and the earth with truth. Surely in that is a sign for the believers
Here's today's commentary.Dhar‘ signifies literally the stretching forth of the arm, and thus stands for power or ability or extent of power; and ˙åqa bi-l-amri dhar‘-an means he was unable to accomplish the affair, or he lacked strength to accomplish the affair (LL).
Sodom and Gomorrah, the cities destroyed, are in the neighbourhood of the Dead Sea, on the road from Arabia: “And it is on a road that still abides” (15:76).
A trust in false deities, which really stands for all false beliefs, is here compared with a spider’s web to express the nature of its extreme frailty. It may prosper for a time, but no sooner is the light of criticism and research brought to bear upon it than it vanishes and leaves no trace behind. There is also a reference here to the plans of the Holy Prophet’s opponents, which were destined to be brought to naught by reason of their inability to withstand the overwhelming advance of Truth.
Just when they thought it was safe......flaming stones came down on the town.... no snow or ice.... fire! Now how do they clean the streets when they are full of stones that are like little suns.... just balls of fire. Goodness gracious.... great balls of fire.Even those who figured they would move away from the tents were not safe. You know.... like when God took care of the crooked Levites and swallowed the thieving Levites and the tents whole.... they just disappeared into the ground. Those smart humans figured they were safe..... living in a cave.... until the whole hill that housed their "safe" cave started to shake.... and they were swallowed up in the cave. No place is safe..... moving away from the tents helped because God was after the Levites.... but now.... God is angry at the morons who are lying to the masses. Not even a cave or the city hall were safe.
These verses talk about a spider's web. Life is like a spider web.... it has a lot of uses.... it catches dinner.... it warns when danger might be near..... but it's so fragile a breeze can take it down. God will blow us away if we're not careful.... right?
Careful who you put your trust in..... it says in these verses that God won't except "the devil made me do it" as an excuse. Like a spider in it's web... we have to sense when there is danger.... and lies are dangerous. If what you are doing has to be hidden.... like running in a cave to be "safe" from the meteor storm..... then you won't be safe anywhere.... move out of the web. Don't listen to lies! God is not impressed with lies.
This about the tender spider's web.
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