Quran 30:11-27


Well-Known Member
Quran 30:11. God originates creation, and then repeats it. Then to Him you will be returned.
12. On the Day when the Hour takes place, the guilty will despair.
13. They will have no intercessors from among their idols, and they will disown their partners.
14. On the Day when the Hour takes place—on that Day they will separate.
15. As for those who believed and did good deeds—they will be delighted in meadows.
16. But as for those who disbelieved, and rejected Our signs and the encounter of the Hereafter—those will be hauled into the torment.
17. So glorify God when you retire at night, and when you rise in the morning.
18. His is the praise in the heavens and on earth, and in the evening, and when you reach midday.
19. He brings the living out of the dead, and He brings the dead out of the living, and He revives the land after it had died. Likewise you will be resurrected.
20. And of His signs is that He created you from dust; and behold, you become humans spreading out.
21. And of His signs is that He created for you mates from among yourselves, so that you may find tranquility in them; and He planted love and compassion between you. In this are signs for people who reflect.
22. And of His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the diversity of your languages and colors. In this are signs for those who know.
23. And of His signs are your sleep by night and day, and your pursuit of His bounty. In this are signs for people who listen.
24. And of His signs is that He shows you the lightning, causing fear and hope. And He brings down water from the sky, and with it He revives the earth after it was dead. In this are signs for people who understand.
25. And of His signs is that the heaven and the earth stand at His disposal. And then, when He calls you out of the earth, you will emerge at once.
26. To Him belongs everyone in the heavens and the earth. All are submissive to Him.
27. It is He who initiates creation, and then repeats it, something easy for Him. His is the highest attribute, in the heavens and the earth. He is the Almighty, the Wise.
Here's the commentary for today.

The five times of prayer are clearly indicated in this and the previous verse, the evening prayer comprising both the prayer at sunset and the later evening prayer. The five times of prayer were observed at Makkah, and places at which the Muslims gathered for prayers are mentioned in reports relating to very early days of the Prophet’s mission.​
This clearly points to the rising of a great nation from the Arabs, who were spiritually as well as intellectually dead.​
The close relation between the male and the female (i.e., husband and wife) is expressed in words which indicate the closeness of the union to such an extent as to have misled many to suppose that the act of the physical creation of the female from the male is implied. But the Qur’ån explains itself when it refers to the ties of love and compassion, and to the quietness of mind which a married person finds in his mate. The verse gives us the Islamic ideal of marriage which serves the purpose not only of the increase of the human race but also that of the spiritual advancement of both the man and the woman by referring to the quietness of mind which they find in each other.
Mathal, the word translated as state here, means really ©ifat, i.e., description, condition, state or case; and it is then used as meaning a description by way of comparison or a similitude (LL).
When you get old..... some will agree... it's nice to have someone who just "gets you". Hubby just said that to me yesterday. Marriage isn't just about procreation or a financial status or a tax bracket. Marriage is when two people are so close.... the "get" each other. It's like two peas in a very small, very exclusive, pot.

Our Nation may be on the downslope,,,,, like Rome, Greece, and Persia before us...... we may be on the downslope after the COVID pandemic and the threat of a Third World War looming on all the network news stories.

People don't think of marriage as they use to. Most of the people causing all this ill will.... aren't happily married. Consider that today.... some are married for convenience and some are not married at all. How can they be content with no one who really "gets" them?

We all need someone to confide in.... someone to trust.... someone we feel comfortable enough around that we can relax our guard and sleep soundly around.

In these verses.... God says to talk to him morning, noon, afternoon, evening, and night. Muslims have five times a day set out for a quick prayer.

Christians don't require a schedule or kneeling. Most Christians pray over meals and before bed.... Sundays and Wednesdays are the best days for prayer.... there's a leader if you rent your pew. Some only verbalize a memorized prayer. Some only verbalize long winded "I'm the best thing for Christianity" prayers in front of crowds.... sprinkled liberally with "and father" or "and lord". Some pray almost constantly.... as if they are "friends" with God.

God wants us to talk to Him about everything. He's God... He can handle multitudes of conversations at once. He "gets" us. He knows what we are going to pray before we pray it.... and in some cases He's been crafting the reply long before we ever considered prayer.

One of the ways I know God loves me.... is Hubby.

He "gets me".
