Quran 30:41-53 Corruption


Well-Known Member
Quran 30:41. Corruption has appeared on land and sea, because of what people’s hands have earned, in order to make them taste some of what they have done, so that they might return.
42. Say, “Roam the earth, and observe the fate of those who came before. Most of them were idolaters.”
43. So devote yourself to the upright religion, before there comes from God a Day that cannot be averted. On that Day, they will be shocked.
44. Whoever disbelieves, upon him falls his disbelief. And whoever acts righteously—they are preparing for themselves.
45. So that He may reward those who have believed and done the righteous deeds out of His bounty. Indeed, He does not love the ungrateful.
46. And of His signs is that He sends the winds bearing good news, to give you a taste of His mercy, and so that the ships may sail by His command, and so that you may seek of His bounty, and so that you may give thanks.
47. Before you, We sent messengers to their people. They came to them with clear proofs. Then We took revenge on those who sinned. It is incumbent on Us to help the believers.
48. God is He who sends the winds. They stir up clouds. Then He spreads them in the sky as He wills. And He breaks them apart. Then you see rain drops issuing from their midst. Then, when He makes it fall upon whom He wills of His servants, behold, they rejoice.
49. Although they were before this—before it was sent down upon them—in despair.
50. So observe the effects of God’s mercy—how He revives the earth after it was dead. Indeed, He is the Reviver of the dead. He is Capable of everything.
51. But if We send a wind, and they see it turning things yellow, they would continue thereafter to disbelieve.
52. You cannot make the dead hear, nor can you make the deaf hear the call when they turn away.
53. Nor can you guide the blind out of their error. You can make hear only those who believe in Our signs, and so have submitted.
Here's today's commentary.

History bears evidence to the truth of these words. Before the advent of the Holy Prophet corruption prevailed in all countries of the world. The sea may here signify the islands. Darkness prevailed in all countries of the world, affecting the beliefs of men as well as their deeds. Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, and Zoroastrianism had long ceased to have any healthy effect on the lives of their votaries, and the followers of these religions had not only ceased to practise virtue, but, worst of all, they had begun to look upon vice as virtue, and many of them attributed indecent and immoral practices to their sages and their gods. Christianity, which was then the youngest of the religions of the world, had also lost its purity. “The Christianity of the seventh century was itself decrepit and corrupt,” is Muir’s verdict. Such widespread corruption had never previously existed in the world’s history. A recent writer, J.H. Denison, writes in Emotion as the Basis of Civilization: “In the fifth and sixth centuries, the civilized world stood on the verge of chaos. The old emotional cultures that had made civilization possible, since they had given to men a sense of unity and of reverence for their rulers, had broken down, and nothing had been found adequate to take their place.... It seemed then that the great civilization which it had taken four thousand years to construct was on the verge of disintegration, and that mankind was likely to return to that condition of barbarism where every tribe and sect was against the next and law and order were unknown.... Civilization like a gigantic tree whose foliage had over-reached the world ... stood tottering ... rotting to the core”. And then adds, speaking of Arabia: “It was among these people that the man was born who was to unite the whole known world of the east and south”.​
With the light of Islåm, and through the torch of knowledge and civilization lit in Arabia, a new era dawned not only over Arabia, but also over other countries. Europe remained the longest in darkness, and it was only after the torch of knowledge had been lighted in Spain by the Muslims that both the Renaissance and the Reformation came.
The doctrine of Unity had been forgotten by all nations; even the Jews submitted to the decisions of their learned men with a submission which was only due to God. That Christianity had long before forsaken the doctrine of Unity goes without saying.
The verse calls attention to the change that was already coming over the peninsula; this was a clear indication of the mighty transformation that was ultimately to be brought about.​
It, in this verse, refers to the seed-produce, which is meant by the expression “gives life to the earth” in the previous verse; the meaning is, the seed-produce may be rendered yellow or caused to wither away by a blast of the wind. The allusion is to the disasters which would strike a blow at the disbelievers’ plans. It also refers to their persistence in disbelief, in spite of the afflictions which they experience.​
I don't know what to write. As I write this... the world is tearing itself asunder. War seems to be inevitable not only in Europe but in the Middle East as well.

Hubby said Iran is going to nuke Israel. I say a nuclear bomb may be sent.... but God will surprise everyone. The bomb will do no harm to God's people.

It's obvious something is going on.... after all the Washington Redskins have become the Commies.

This all has only one cause.... Corruption.

Corruption in government..... Corruption in church.... Corruption in the home.....

