Quran 34:22-36 Demise of Disbelievers


Well-Known Member
Quran 34:22. Say, “Call upon those whom you claim besides God. They possess not an atom's weight in the heavens or the earth, and they possess no share of either, and He has no backers from among them.”
23. Intercession with Him is of no value, except for someone He has permitted. Until, when fear has subsided from their hearts, they will say, “What did your Lord say?” They will say, “The truth, and He is the High, the Great.”
24. Say, “Who provides for you from the heavens and the earth?” Say, “God. And Either you, or we, are rightly guided, or in evident error.”
25. Say, “You will not be asked about our misdeeds, nor will we be asked about what you do.”
26. Say, “Our Lord will bring us together; then He will judge between us equitably. He is the All-Knowing Judge.”
27. Say, “Show me those you have attached to Him as associates. No indeed! But He is God, the Powerful, the Wise.”
28. We sent you only universally to all people, a herald and warner, but most people do not know.
29. And they say, “When is this promise due, if you are truthful?”
30. Say, “You are promised a Day, which you cannot postpone by one hour, nor bring forward.”
31. Those who disbelieve say, “We will never believe in this Quran, nor in what came before it.” If you could only see the wrongdoers, captive before their Lord, throwing back allegations at one another. Those who were oppressed will say to those who were arrogant, “Were it not for you, we would have been believers.”
32. Those who were arrogant will say to those who were oppressed, “Was it us who turned you away from guidance when it came to you? No indeed, you yourselves were sinful.”
33. And those who were oppressed will say to those who were arrogant, “It was your scheming by night and day; as you instructed us to reject God, and to set up rivals to Him. They will hide their remorse when they see the retribution. We will put yokes around the necks of those who disbelieved. Will they be repaid for anything other than what they used to do?
34. We sent no warner to any town, without its affluent saying, “We reject what you are sent with.
35. And they say, “We have more wealth and more children, and we will not be punished.
36. Say, “My Lord spreads out His bounty to whomever He wills, or restricts it; but most people do not know.

Ok... here's the commentary.

It refers to the helplessness of the supposed gods to assist their votaries when distress overtakes them.​
The meaning is that as surely as you are in manifest error, so surely are we on a right way.​
The Prophet is repeatedly spoken of as having been sent as a messenger to all people, in the earliest as well as the later revelations. He is called “A warner to the nations, “A mercy to the nations”, and so on. In one place, his being sent to men is qualified by the word jamß‘-an, which means all. Here it is qualified by the word kåffah, which means all without an exception. This word is derived from kaff, which means preventing or withholding, the implication being that it includes all and does not prevent or withhold anyone, or all without an exception.
The first encounter between the Muslims and their enemies took place in the battle of Badr, after the first year of the Flight had passed away. Elsewhere the same question is answered by the words: “Maybe somewhat of that which you seek to hasten has drawn nigh to you”​
They reject not only the Qur’ån but also previous revelation, because it contains prophecies about the appearance of the Holy Prophet.
This expression is always used to signify that Allåh will give ample means of subsistence to the weaker party and strengthen them against the wealthy transgressors.
God will be there to help the helpless.... provided.... they accept Help.

I went to a church meeting once. This wasn't just an ordinary go to church meeting... this was Sunday School Teachers going to the big church in the city to learn how to Spread the Gospel. We went for the day.... and we went to several "classes" where they "discussed" the issues facing the building bound church. They wanted us to employ "interesting" ways of teaching that would entice pagans into the church where they could find "Salvation". Trickery!

It was a trained and memorized version of the latest greatest sales pitch to bring in more people so the church could make more money to pay for the new "interesting" ways to spread the Gospel. Trouble is.... it was "their" version of the Gospels.... a little tainted... a little twisted.... let's not talk about Bathsheba's abortion of Solomon's 300 wives... this is a monogamous perfection of what men and women have to live up to to get to Heaven. It's like that preacher in Prince Frederick who no longer wanted to preach "Christ is the Only Way" because her church was declining. She claimed it was "too exclusive".

Maybe the reason they all need the newest latest "Phrase" to entice people into the church and get those dollars right out of their pockets..... is because they perverted the Gospel and God left!

God knows who will come to Him and who will treat him like an enemy.

The rich don't have the keys to Salvation. They only have shiny baubles... there is no room in their world for anything that might cause them to have to lift or finger or smell their own poop.

These verses are about the demise of the disbelievers.
