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Quran 36:33. And there is a sign for them in the dead land: We give it life, and produce from it grains from which they eat.
34. And We place in it gardens of palm-trees and vines, and cause springs to gush out of it.
35. That they may eat from its fruits, although their hands did not make it. Will they not be appreciative?
36. Glory be to Him who created all the pairs; of what the earth produces, and of their own selves, and of what they do not know.
37. Another sign for them is the night: We strip the day out of it—and they are in darkness.
38. And the sun runs towards its destination. Such is the design of the Almighty, the All-Knowing.
39. And the moon: We have disposed it in phases, until it returns like the old twig.
40. The sun is not to overtake the moon, nor is the night to outpace the day. Each floats in an orbit.
41. Another sign for them is that We carried their offspring in the laden Ark.
42. And We created for them the like of it, in which they ride.
43. If We will, We can drown them—with no screaming to be heard from them, nor will they be saved.
44. Except by a mercy from Us, and enjoyment for a while.
45. Yet when it is said to them, “Beware of what lies before you, and what lies behind you, that you may receive mercy.”
46. Yet never came to them a sign of their Lord’s signs, but they turned away from it.
47. And when it is said to them, “Spend of what God has provided for you,” those who disbelieve say to those who believe, “Shall we feed someone whom God could feed, if He so willed? You must be deeply misguided.”
48. And they say, “When will this promise be, if you are truthful?”
49. All they can expect is a single blast, which will seize them while they feud.
50. They will not be able to make a will, nor will they return to their families.
Ok... let's see the commentary.
Quickening of the dead earth is again and again compared to the transformation which was to be brought about by the Holy Qur’ån. How dead the earth, and particularly Arabia, was at the advent of the Holy Prophet, it is impossible to describe within the limits of a footnote. If, then, the physical world showed the working of the Divine law that life is restored to the earth after its death, why should not the same law work in the spiritual world?
This verse establishes a great scientific truth that pairs exist in all creation, even in the vegetable kingdom and in things which had not yet come to the knowledge of man. The Arabs certainly did not know this, but modern research corroborates this truth.
The night of ignorance must now pass away; for as in the physical world night follows day and day follows night, so in the spiritual world light is followed by the darkness of ignorance and the latter again gives place to light.
These words only picture the apparent resemblance of the moon in its slenderness and curvature to an old dry palm-branch. Even such is the case of truth, which seems at first to be insignificant, but soon shines forth like a full moon. There is a clear reference in the word ‘åda (it becomes again) that the light of Islåm will receive a setback and again shine in full resplendence.
Even truth and falsehood have their courses. As night must disappear with the rise of the day, so falsehood must vanish before the light of Truth. The flotation of the heavenly bodies in their orbits is a statement beyond the ken of an Arabian of 1,300 years ago. The Holy Qur’ån is a book for the spiritual guidance of man, but it discloses a large number of scientific truths which were not known to man at the revelation of the Book.
The ships that bear man on the seas are spoken of in v. 41. These were known to man at the time of the revelation of the Qur’ån. But this verse speaks of other ships, the like thereof. These are the ships that bear man in the air, the airships and the aeroplanes of today. They are spoken of as being created by God, because it is through the knowledge and means that God has given man that he is able to acquire mastery of the air and make these ships.
This is a warning of the impending punishment. Drowning in the sea signifies their destruction, wherever it may take place. The word chosen to describe the punishment is one which shows the utter helplessness of the sufferers.
That which is before you signifies the punishment which must overtake them in this life, and that which is behind you means the consequences of evil, which they would witness in the Hereafter.
So they turned neither to submission to Allåh, nor to sympathy for their fellow-beings.
This is a prophetical description of the battle of Badr. The Quraish attacked Madßnah to annihilate Islåm but the leaders of evil were themselves finished there, and could neither make a bequest, nor did they return to their families.
I don't know what to say.
People everywhere are talking about the "End Times" and the "Ukrainian War".
If this is the "End Times" then at any second an earthquake could strike us....and we'd be toast..... I wonder if we will be wondering if we said our prayers last night when we realize the first violent earth shaping jolt. Remember.... God used natural disasters in war all the way through the Old Testament. On top of that... God got in the very minds of people and had them do His bidding.... think of Judas.... he "didn't mean to".... but he did.
If this is the "Ukrainian War"..... how many men, women, and children.... died last night after praying for someone else they "love". Gotta say.... it really irks me that they are picking on the children!!!!
What is in the minds of the Russians? Is Putin's line so smooth a whole nation buys it? Do the Russian people think all the tanks, bomb, and planes are to murder only adults? Don't they know they are hurting innocent babies?
God put pairs on the Ark so they could procreate. God wants us to produce children.... God wants us to produce babies. That's what we are here for.... not to set one human over us so on a whim he could murder our innocent babies while he sits at his 30' table too far from anyone to be pierced by a poison needle.
Don't the Russian people know how evil all this is? The people that Muhammed fought didn't get it... and Muhammed was able to wipe them out with a meager army too.
Don't muck with God's children!
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