Quran 36:68-83 Resurrection


Well-Known Member
Quran 36:68. Whomever We grant old age, We reverse his development. Do they not understand?
69. We did not teach him poetry, nor is it proper for him. It is only a reminder, and a Clear Quran.
70. That he may warn whoever is alive, and prove the Word against the faithless.
71. Have they not seen that We created for them, of Our Handiwork, livestock that they own?
72. And We subdued them for them. Some they ride, and some they eat.
73. And they have in them other benefits, and drinks. Will they not give thanks?
74. Yet they have taken to themselves gods other than God, that perhaps they may be helped.
75. They cannot help them, although they are arrayed as troops for them.
76. So let their words not sadden you. We know what they conceal, and what they reveal.
77. Does the human being not consider that We created him from a seed? Yet he becomes a fierce adversary.
78. And he produces arguments against Us, and he forgets his own creation. He says, “Who will revive the bones when they have decayed?
79. Say, “He who initiated them in the first instance will revive them. He has knowledge of every creation.”
80. He who produced fuel for you from the green trees, with which you kindle a fire.
81. Is not He who created the heavens and the earth able to create the like of them? Certainly. He is the Supreme All-Knowing Creator.
82. His command, when He wills a thing, is to say to it, “Be,” and it comes to be.
83. So glory be to Him in whose hand is the dominion of everything, and to Him you will be returned.
Well, here's the commentary.

It is a general law of nature that every living thing must deteriorate; the application here is to individuals as well as nations.
The guilty leaders will be brought up for punishment before their followers and they will not be able to help them. Or, the worshippers of false deities will be brought up for punishment in the presence of those deities and they will not be able to help them.
The striking out of a likeness signifies the setting up of gods with Allåh.
The reference is to the phenomenon of resinous trees catching fire through friction of their branches caused by wind. Even thus a new life results from man’s contact with the Perfect Man, whom God has sent, and this new life is the basis of a life after death.
The original is mithla-hum, where the personal pronoun hum (them) refers to men, not to heaven and earth. In the Resurrection, therefore, men will be the like of what they are here, not exactly the same bodies of clay. Elsewhere, after mentioning that man wonders at the new creation, it is said: “We know indeed what the earth diminishes of them, and with Us is a book that preserves”. The body may become dust; but what man does of good or evil is preserved, and it is according to this good or evil that he receives a new body. The idea of Resurrection is carried to perfection in Islåm, and the Resurrection is meant to give a new life to all. Ultimately the spirit of man is returned to the Spirit Divine, and that is again and again called the meeting with God.
IMHO....the only "Perfect Man" was Jesus. He was "Perfect" because He didn't sin. He was "Perfect" because He is the Son of God.... and He was here on a mission.

When God created Adam and Eve.... He really liked them. He showed them to everyone in Heaven.... and that made Satan jealous of them. Satan was "hellbent" on doing away with the shine on God's new creation. So he smooth talked them into doing something God warned them not to do.

Adam and Eve.... fell for Satan's smooth talk. Because they were young [as was Satan on earth at the time] and impressionable.... they let themselves get talked into doing something that was expressly forbidden by God.

Whatever that "apple" really was... it was definitely a poison. It was bound to murder humans. Humans have the Power of Decision.... and Satan got them to use it in an ignorant way... and that got them in trouble.

Because they ate the "apple" we were all doomed to die. It's a long death.... it began the moment we took our first breath and it ended when we breathed out our last. God said.... that's poison... don't touch. Satan said... you're such an "apple" in God's eyes... He won't let you die.... here try it.

Jesus was sent to be human.... to prove humans can control themselves. Satan did everything he could to pull Jesus off the path to "Perfect Man" but Jesus stood His ground. I think it was the knowledge of the horror of death that made Him ask God to end the mission short of the Cross. But... Jesus.... being the "Perfect Man" had to finish the Mission.

I'm 71 years old. I am definitely decaying. I am so wrinkled, raisons envy me. But I'm not dying.... I will be Resurrected because I am a Believer. I'll get rid of these wrinkles.

I don't know how the Muslims feel about Jesus and the Resurrection.... but I do know.... I'm one of those He Saved. Are you?
