Quran 37:1-4 Ranking


Well-Known Member
Quran 37:In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful.
1. By the aligners aligning.
2. And the drivers driving.
3. And the reciters of the Reminder.
4. Your God is indeed One.
This chapter is full of commentary.

The title of this chapter, Those Ranging in Ranks, is taken from its opening words, which give a description of the faithful. It is in all likelihood an earlier revelation than the other chapters of this group.​
The chapter announces in the first section a clear prophecy of the ultimate prevalence of Unity, and asserts the truth of the judgment in the second; calls attention to the preachings of Noah, Abraham, Moses, Elias, Lot and Jonah in the third, fourth and fifth sections; and concludes with a clear prediction of the triumph of the Holy Prophet.
The wåw, which means and, is in such places generally rendered as by, and signifies an oath. It must, however, be borne in mind that the oath in such cases simply draws attention to a certain testimony. Ordinarily, when a person swears by Allåh, he really calls Allåh to witness that he speaks the truth. The real object in taking an oath is to make an assertion more convincing. But in the Qur’ån, when such a form is adopted, the conviction is produced not by mere allegation, as in the case of an ordinary oath, but by some clear argument which upholds the truth of the assertion made. Sometimes attention is called in these oaths to obvious laws of nature, as the change of night and day, etc., to infer spiritual laws from them, and on other occasions the oath reveals a kind of prophecy, so that the fulfilment of the prophecy makes the truth of the preaching of the Prophet to be obvious. The latter is the case here.​
The description given in the first three verses applies to the believers. The first verse shows them as ranging themselves in ranks, or praying to God standing in ranks, which the Muslims do five times daily in their prayers in congregation, and may prophetically refer to their subsequent ranging themselves in ranks in the field of battle against their enemies. The second verse describes them as holding in restraint their passions, so that a people who were ruled by their passions or their sensual desires were so entirely changed that they became complete masters of their passions. The words, however, may also contain a prophetical reference to their holding in restraint a powerful enemy bent upon their extirpation. These two descriptions are followed by another in the third verse which makes it clear that only the Muslims are described here: those who recite the Reminder. It is a special characteristic of the Muslims that they recite the Holy Qur’ån in their prayers, so much so that even their armies in the field of battle are regular in their prayers and recite the Holy Qur’ån in their prayers. And the great Truth that is thus established is Divine Unity — surely your God is One.​
It may also be noted that, though the commentators have suggested that the description in the first three verses may apply to angels, they also state that the description is applicable to the Muslim armies fighting against the enemies of Islåm
Have you ever heard the tales about people finding God in foxholes? That's what I am reminded of in these verses.

The Quran was a response to the Bible.... in my opinion. Someone wasn't happy with the Divinity of Jesus and they were probably tired of being thumped over the head with whatever the Thumpers were using back then.

The printing press wasn't invented [or available for widespread use] until about 600 years after the Quran was set in writing. So the prayers everyone memorized were a great way to remember God, spread the Word, and stay on the same page.

A preacher's kid [pk] once told my daughter, if she didn't memorize the Bible.... she would never be a Christian. Stupid PK.... homework never does appeal to some.

I don't know who they are ranking here.... but it has to be a triangle.... and upright or inverted, it has to point to one God. According to the commentary.... there is a ranking.... well we are all ranked really.... disbelievers, misbelievers, Believers, Soldiers of the Lord, Angels, Arch Angels.... and well God. [my list is definitely not all inclusive or correct... just an example]

Look at verse 4..... "One God".


