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Quran 37:114. And We blessed Moses and Aaron.
115. And We delivered them and their people from the terrible disaster.
116. And We supported them, and so they were the victors.
117. And We gave them the Clarifying Scripture.
118. And We guided them upon the straight path.
119. And We left with them for later generations.
120. Peace be upon Moses and Aaron.
121. Thus We reward the righteous.
122. They were of Our believing servants.
123. Also Elijah was one of the messengers.
124. He said to his people, “Do you not fear?
125. Do you call on Baal, and forsake the Best of creators?
126. God is your Lord, and the Lord of your ancestors.”
127. But they called him a liar, and thus they will be brought forward.
128. Except for God’s sincere servants.
129. And We left with him for later generations.
130. Peace be upon the House of Elijah.
131. Thus We reward the virtuous.
132. He was one of Our believing servants.
133. And Lot was one of the messengers.
134. We saved him and his family, all of them.
135. Except for an old woman who lagged behind.
136. Then We annihilated the others.
137. You pass by them in the morning.
138. And at night. Do you not understand?
Here's all the commentaryon these verses.Ba‘l stands for the sun, or the sun-god.
Ilyåsßn is only another form of the name of Ilyås (Kf) or Elias. Some commentators are of opinion that Idrßs and Elias are two different names of the same prophet, but, as I have shown in 19:57a, Idrßs in the Holy Qur’ån stands for Enoch, and Elias is the same as the Elijah of the Bible.
See... same God.... same Prophets. No, they don't have Jesus listed here as a prophet [so far]. I didn't understand the last two verses so I did a search. Oh I'm so happy I did it!
Lot and his family ran out of town.... his wife looked back and because she was so slow to listen.... she got caught in a sulfur cloud [from the meteor storm] and turned to a salt dome. Apparently the destroyed sections of Sodom along with the other salt domes... are located in the vicinity of the place this was written. He is saying.... "Look at the ruins of Sodom.... don't you believe now?"
I am reminded this morning of the pictures we are getting from Ukraine. The Russians aren't getting these pictures.... because their government doesn't want them to know what they are doing. We see World War III starting right before our eyes..... you see it on the boob tube every morning and every evening.
"Do you not understand?"