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Quran 37:40. Except for God’s sincere servants.
41. For them is a known provision.
42. Fruits; and they will be honored.
43. In the Gardens of Bliss.
44. On furnishings, facing one another.
45. They will be offered a cup of pure drink.
46. White; a delight to those who drink.
47. Never polluted, and never intoxicating.
48. With them will be bashful women with lovely eyes.
49. As if they were closely guarded pearls.
Here's today's commentary.The word ma‘l∂m (known) shows that the sustenance mentioned in the verses that follow is one that is already known to those servants of Allåh who are purified from every pollution. This description of the blessings of paradise shows that all those blessings were spiritually tasted by the righteous in this life. In fact, their brief but important description as fruits in the next verse clearly shows those blessings to be the fruits of their good deeds.
The word ghaul is derived from ghåla, which means it destroyed him, and ghålati-l-khamru means the wine deprived him of reason, and ghaul means privation of the intellectual faculties. Yunzaf∂n is derived from nazafa meaning he entirely exhausted a well of its water. Nazßf is therefore one intoxicated or deprived of reason, and anzafa carries a more extensive significance. The drinks of this life, through a source of pleasure, bring evil in their train. The drinks of the next life, which are called ma‘ßn (water of which one has reached the source, or water running upon the surface of the earth) (LL), in v. 45, cause neither loss of reason, nor exhaustion. The name is common, but the nature of the two is different.
The description of women given here calls attention to the prominent feature of the character of a good woman. In the first place, they are described as restraining their eyes, and modest in their gaze, and attention is thus called to the fact that the most valuable virtue of woman is that rare chastity which is described here as restraint or freedom of the eye from lust. Then the beauty of their eyes is praised, the suggestion clearly being that the purity of the eye leads to its beauty, or that the real beauty of the eye consists in its purity. In the second place, they are described as being eggs carefully protected, which alludes to their pure and unsoiled character. It should, however, be noted that what is apparently a description of women is really a description of the fruits of deeds done in this life, the words adopted being applicable to both, and these are in fact spiritual blessings manifested physically. The blessings which it promises, whatever they may be, are as much meant for men as for women; the only thing certain about them is that their nature is different from the nature of the physical blessings of this life.
This is another description of what is waiting when we all get to Judgement. The Quran seems to be more about Heavenly Rewards than the Bible.
When we get to Heaven.... we will drink unpolluted water! Clear, cool, water.....
We will all be thrilled to be there. There will be no naysayer constantly telling us not to enjoy.
There will be a lot of people there we wouldn't expect to see there..... but there will be something about them we didn't notice before.
There won't be any lies in Heaven.
I read a book on another religion some time ago. They all strived to be "clear". According to the author.... from the moment we hear the first word.... we are changed. According to the book.... as far back as the cradle.... when someone would say "look at those ears"... we would think "what's wrong with my ears".... or when someone would say "look at that nose".... we would think "what's wrong with my nose". And so it begins... we go through life thinking there must be something wrong with our nose and our ears.... we can't quite put our finger on it.... but we know there's something wrong.
In the book though... the author says... there is only one way to get rid of these "anxieties of faith".... we have to strive to "be clear". In other words.... forget all that crap we learned in the crib. It wasn't meant for us to burden ourselves with.
In Heaven there is no requirement to bare those burdens.
In Heaven we will all be pure... like newborn babies.... a do over.
Heaven is for God's Sincere Servants.