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Quran 37:5. Lord of the heavens and the earth, and everything between them; and Lord of the Easts.
6. We have adorned the lower heaven with the beauty of the planets.
7. And guarded it against every defiant devil.
8. They cannot eavesdrop on the Supernal Elite, for they get bombarded from every side.
9. Repelled—they will have a lingering torment.
10. Except for him who snatches a fragment—he gets pursued by a piercing projectile.
11. Inquire of them, “Are they more difficult to create, or the others We created?” We created them from sticky clay.
12. But you wonder, and they ridicule.
13. And when reminded, they pay no attention.
14. And when they see a sign, they ridicule.
15. And they say, “This is nothing but plain magic.
16. When we have died and become dust and bones, shall we be resurrected?
17. And our ancestors of old?”
18. Say, “Yes indeed, and you will be totally subdued.”
Here's the commentary.The reference to the eastern lands in Rabb al-mashåriq is a prophecy of the early spread of Islåm in the East, while Islåm’s conquests in the West seem to have been reserved for a later age. Mashåriq is the plural of mashriq, which means the rising-place of the sun, and is, like its English equivalent east, applicable to an eastern land.
The Prophet’s preaching was confronted by a twofold opposition among the Arabs — the secular classes and the priestly class, i.e., the diviners and the soothsayers, the class known as Kåhin. It is these soothsayers who are called the rebellious devils, because they thought that they could invoke spirits and answer questions put to them relating to the future. This phase of opposition was equally swept away by the forceful tide of Islamic truth, and the profession of the Kåhin disappeared from Arabia as Islåm advanced. The mention of heaven and stars in the previous verse refers to the popular superstition that the diviners and soothsayers obtained their knowledge of the future from the stars. The safeguard against every rebellious devil indicates that they have no access to Divine secrets.
The reference here is to the conjectures of the soothsayers regarding the future, by which they maintained their ascendancy over the masses. It is pointed out that they have no access whatever to the source of prophecy. The exalted assembly signifies those angels to whom Divine revelation is first made known. If the other significance of the word yuqdhaf∂n (thrown at or pelted) is adopted, the reference may be to the secular opponents of the Prophet, who, it is here foretold, would be thrown at from every side, so that success could not attend any of their efforts.
This verse and those preceding it describe the state of the soothsayers at the advent of the Prophet. Before the advent of the Holy Prophet, the soothsayers may have been able to mislead the people to a certain extent by their guesses regarding future events, but after his advent they were reproached on every side, and ultimately the profession of the kåhin disappeared from Arabia, as shown in the last footnote. Or, the reference may be to the overthrow of ordinary opposition.
Kha∆ßfa signifies he carried off or snatched away, and Kha∆fat signifies a single act of carrying off or snatching away. The meaning is that, if a soothsayer gets but one opportunity, there soon follows a flame that pierces through the darkness; in other words, dispels the darkness to which the soothsayer leads men. It should be noted that shihåb means only a flame (see LL, and compare 27:7, where Moses goes to bring a shihåb), and thåqib means that pierces through the darkness or brightly shining (LL).
Låzib is derived from lazaba, meaning it was or remained fixed, settled, firm, or constant; hence låzib signifies firm. Those created of firm clay are the spiritually perfect men, the Prophet and his followers. The verse points to the opposition of the soothsayers to the Prophet, and warns the former that the Prophet will be triumphant, because he is made perfect by Allåh’s hand.
Well... it's still talking about the perfect man. Geeze... I really wish there was a perfect man.There's the perfect man for me..... Hubby.... but he's not perfectly perfect.
There's the perfect man for the nation..... but no one seems to be the perfect fit... someone is always pointing out the flaws.
There's the perfect man sculpture.... like that Statue of David.... but the statue doesn't think or act.
There's the perfect man for the job.... but a lot of the time... he's not around when you need him.
I am of the opinion.... the perfect man is Jesus.... but He's God in human form.... so not a basic man?
The perfect man does not exist.... I am convinced.... But if he exists.... only God could have created him.
It's still about the Perfect Man.....