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Quran 37:50. Then they will approach one another, questioning.
51. One of them will say, “I used to have a friend.
52. Who used to say, “Are you of those who believe?
53. That after we die and become dust and bones, we will be called to account?”
54. He will say, “Will you have a look?”
55. He will look, and will see him in the pit of Hell.
56. He will say, “By God, you almost ruined me.
57. Were it not for the grace of my Lord, I would have been among the arraigned.”
58. “We will not die.
59. Except for our first death, and we will not be punished.”
60. This is the supreme triumph.
61. For the like of this let the workers work.
62. Is this a better hospitality, or the Tree of Bitterness?
63. We made it an ordeal for the unjust.
64. It is a tree that grows from the bottom of Hell.
65. Its fruits are like the devils’ heads.
66. They will eat from it, and fill their bellies with it.
67. Then, on top of it, they will have a brew of boiling liquid.
68. Then their return will be to the Blaze.
69. They had found their parents astray.
70. And rushed along in their footsteps.
71. And most of the ancients before them went astray.
72. Even though We sent messengers to warn them.
73. So observe the end of those who were warned.
74. Except for the sincere servants of God.
Here's the commentary on these verses.Zaqq∂m is “a dust-coloured tree, having small round leaves without thorns. It has a pungent odour and is bitter, and has knots in its stems ... the heads of its leaves are very foul” (LL). Zaqq∂m also means any deadly food , and in the dialect of Ifrßqiyah, it signifies fresh butter with dates. Ab∂ Jahl is said to have scoffed at the idea of zaqq∂m being the food of those in hell by having prepared a repast of fresh butter with dates for a party of the Quraish chiefs, telling them that, according to the Prophet, such was the food that would be given to those who go to hell.
The correct interpretation of ru’∂s al-shayå∆ßn is that adopted here, for the Arabs apply the name shai∆ån to a sort of serpent having a mane, ugly or foul in the head and face. According to others it is the name of a certain ugly plant.
The words, then their return is surely to the flaming Fire, are very significant, as if the food and drink described above were to be given to them before they went to hell. This is the reason that it is called an entertainment (v. 62). It is in fact a description of their evil plight in this life as well as in the Hereafter
So.... Something new this morning.... the Zaggom tree.... I googled it and it's odd.
Another picture I saw... See the gnarly stems and check out the "fruit". They look like terrified skulls!
There is a song I use to sing.... when jolly.... "In Heaven there is no beer, that's why we drink it here"..... So they get to eat something that looks like it was horrified to be picked!
I always figured all the best brew-masters and the best chefs would be working in Heaven.... because they love to brew and cook.
I always figured all the food and drink in Heaven would be the finest, tastiest, most delightful, made from the finest ingredients....... because all the people brewing and cooking were doing what they loved with the best ingredients and the best equipment.
I never thought much about the people in Hades..... ooh.... yuck.... if you go to Hades you drink bitter broth and eat something that looks horrified!
No wonder some humans can bomb maternity wards..... they've been dreaming of eating from the Zaggum tree.
A bitter bitter tree....
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