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Quran 38: In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful.
1. Saad. By the renowned Quran.
2. Those who disbelieve are steeped in arrogance and defiance.
3. How many generations have We destroyed before them? They cried out when it was too late to escape.
4. And they marveled that a warner has come to them from among them. The disbelievers said, “This is a lying magician.”
5. “Did he turn all the gods into one God? This is something strange.”
6. The notables among them announced: “Go on, and hold fast to your gods. This is something planned.
7. We never heard of this in the former faith. This is nothing but a fabrication.
8. Was the message sent down to him, out of all of us?” In fact, they are doubtful of My warning. In fact, they have not yet tasted My punishment.
9. Or do they possess the treasuries of the mercy of your Lord—the Majestic, the Giver?
10. Or do they possess the sovereignty of the heavens and the earth and what is between them? Then let them ascend the ropes.
11. An army of confederates will be defeated there.
12. Before them the people of Noah denied the truth; as did Aad, and Pharaoh of the Stakes.
13. And Thamood, and the people of Lot, and the dwellers of the Woods—these were the confederates.
14. None of them but denied the messengers, so My retribution was deserved.
Here's some commentary on the new chapter.... Saad..˝åd stands for ˝ådiq, meaning Truthful God; or for ©adaq-Allåh, i.e., Allåh speaks the truth.
Dhikr means eminence here. The calling to witness of the Qur’ån possessing eminence indicates that the truth of the Qur’ån will become manifest by the eminence to which it will raise those who follow it.
That is, they did not heed the warning, but cried for help when punishment actually overtook them, and there was no escape from it.
By a thing intended is meant that it is a thing which the Prophet intends to bring about but which he cannot, or that the appearance of the Prophet is one of the disasters decreed by fate.
By asbåb (means) are meant the means to strengthen their own power or the means to bring about the vanquishment of Truth. Their rising higher or ascending in means stands for having recourse to all the means they can think of. As they were powerful in the land and masters of it, they should find the best means to retain their power, and prove the warning of the Prophet to be false. That they will not be able to do so, they are told in the next verse.
This is a prophecy relating to the discomfiture and overthrow of the opponents of Islåm when they combine all possible forces against it. The Prophet is thus not only enjoined patience under his present sufferings, but he is further told that the opposition against him will assume yet more formidable proportions. He is comforted at the same time with the knowledge that the combined forces of opposition will be utterly routed and overthrown. This happened in the battle known as the battle of the A√zåb, or the battle of the Allies.
Autåd is the plural of watad, which means literally a peg firmly driven into the ground. But it is frequently used metaphorically. Thus autad al-bilåd signifies the chiefs of the towns, provinces, or countries. Bd interprets dhu-l-autåd as meaning lord of many hosts. And generally it is also taken as meaning lord of a strong dominion.
Humans are always plotting. The Believers are plotting how to spread the Word and live in Peace. The Disbelievers are plotting to overthrow everything and make it as they want it.After all this war stuff is over.... and the missiles and bombs are all gone.... the government will just make more. There are always going to be governors who are in it for the power. If humans are lucky... their governors are men of God.... because a human without God running a country is just plain dangerous.
David and Solomon were very successful at war and infrastructure. People were busy when David and Solomon were in charge. Everyone wanted to be them... to have what they had.... so they were always willing to fight for it.... but taking on the armies of David and Solomon was a foolish thing to do... because until they upset God... they were going nowhere.
Job on the other hand... was successful at Faith. Job wouldn't give up on God.... and although the trials of life took his family and all the dust catchers his family had acquired, Job didn't give up on God. So... God was happy with Job.... and Job was set again.
Life has ups and downs.... politics has ups and downs..... war has ups and downs.
We always have God to look up to.
This chapter is called Saad.