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Quran 39:22. What about someone whose heart God has opened to Islam, so that he follows a light from His Lord? Woe to those whose hearts are hardened against the mention of God. Those are in manifest error.
23. God has sent down the best of narrations: A Scripture consistent and paired. The skins of those who reverence their Lord shiver from it, then their skins and their hearts soften up to the remembrance of God. Such is God’s guidance; He guides with it whomever He wills. But whomever God leaves astray, for him there is no guide.
24. What about someone who covers his face against the terrible misery of the Day of Resurrection? To the evildoers it will be said, “Taste what you used to earn.”
25. Those before them also denied the truth, so the penalty came upon them from where they did not perceive.
26. God made them taste disgrace in the present life, but the punishment of the Hereafter is worse, if they only knew.
27. We have cited in this Quran for mankind every ideal, that they may take heed.
28. An Arabic Quran, without any defect, so they may become righteous.
29. God cites the example of a man shared by partners at odds, and a man belonging exclusively to one man. Are they equal in status? Praise be to God, but most of them do not know.
30. You will die, and they will die.
31. Then, on the Day of Resurrection, you will be quarrelling before your Lord.
32. Who is more evil than he who lies about God, and denies the truth when it has come to him? Is there not in Hell room for the ungrateful?
33. But he who promotes the truth, and testifies to it—these are the righteous.
34. They will have whatever they please with their Lord. Such is the reward for the virtuous.
35. God will acquit them of the worst of their deeds, and will reward them according to the best of what they used to do.
36. Is God not enough for His servant? And they frighten you with those besides Him. Whomever God sends astray, for him there is no guide.
37. And whomever God guides, for him there is no misleader. Is God not Powerful and Vengeful?
38. And if you asked them, “Who created the heavens and the earth?” they would say, “God.” Say, “Have you seen those you pray to instead of God? If God willed any harm for me, can they lift His harm? And if He willed a blessing for me, can they hold back His mercy?” Say, “God suffices for me. On Him the reliant rely.”
39. Say: “O my people, work according to your ability; and so will I. Then you will know.
40. Who will receive a humiliating punishment, and on whom will fall a lasting torment.”
41. We sent down upon you the Book for mankind in truth. He who follows guidance does so for the good of his soul. And he who strays in error does so to its detriment. You are not their overseer.
There isn't a lot of commentary for these verses.The Qur’ån is here spoken of as being mutashåbih and mathånß. The first word means that which is conformable in its various parts. This claim is by no means insignificant. The Qur’ån was revealed by portions during a period of twenty-three years, and during this period the circumstances under which the Holy Prophet lived were of such a varied nature that the history of no other man offers a similar combination of varying circumstances. Yet, through all these vicissitudes, the Qur’ån shows a strict uniformity. The conformability of its various parts, however, signifies more than a mere uniformity; it signifies that some parts explain other parts. Mutashåbih, it should be noted, signifies, according to the best authorities, that some parts of it verify other parts. Again, it is called mathånß, pl. of mathnå, which means repeated or repeating. It is given this name because it repeats over and over again the most important subjects, especially the Unity of the Divine Being and the accountability of human actions.
The Holy Qur’ån repeatedly claims to be a complete collection of the best teachings for the moral and spiritual welfare of man. Here it claims to be a perfect book, as not only containing all the necessary teachings, but also answering all the objections of its opponents.
The Holy Qur’ån brought about an unprecedented revolution in the world. People who took pride in doing evil deeds now aspired to deeds of righteousness. They were thus turned away from the worst deeds to the best. This verse prophetically refers to this great change.
The superstitious Arabs no doubt believed that their idols could do harm to men who did not admit their authority.
Two kinds of punishment are plainly spoken of, viz., the punishment that will bring disgrace, which is clearly the punishment of this life, and the lasting punishment that the wicked receive in the life after death. The first of these demonstrates the truth of the other.
It is clear that it is not the animal soul that is taken away in sleep; it is the soul that stands for human consciousness. In death both are taken away. The statement further makes it clear that the word tawaff å is applied to the taking of the soul and not to the removal of the body from one place to another.
When I read that last comment... I thought... "Pride goes before the fall".Over a year ago.... Hubby bought me an embroidery sewing machine. It not only sews.... it embroiders. The machine comes with an easy to read instruction manual. Of course there are online videos to enhance the sewing experience.... and there is a facebook page for all the newbies. [not meta back then... facebook] On that page there are thousands of newbies asking for information. After a while I started to notice.... everything they want to know is in the manual that came with it.
So whenever a newbie popped up on the facebook page asking questions totally covered in the manual.... I would say "get a cup of coffee.... and your manual.... and get in your favorite chair. Read the manual. It will save you so much time and energy." Some did as I suggested. Some posted a LMAO emoji.
I figure the same people who would grab a cup of coffee, sit in a comfy chair, and read a manual.... are the same people who will grab a cup of coffee, find a comfortable chair and read the Bible or the Quran.
I figure the same people who would refuse to read the manual for a machine they just spent hundreds of dollars to acquire.... are the same people who will refuse to read the Bible or the Quran. They are the ones who will allow themselves to be led off the path by that preacher, priest, teacher, [or in this case sewist] who didn't read the manual either. Are there priests and preachers or teachers who haven't read the Bible or the Quran? Sure.... people muddle through Seminary just like people muddle through high school.... with their ears and eyes rather than their minds and hearts. Momma would be so proud.
Instructions???? Who needs Instructions????
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