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Quran 39:42. God takes the souls at the time of their death, and those that have not died during their sleep. He retains those for which He has decreed death, and He releases the others until a predetermined time. In that are signs for people who reflect.
43. Or have they chosen intercessors other than God? Say, “Even though they have no power over anything, and are devoid of reason?”
44. Say, “All intercession is up to God. To Him belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. Then to Him you will be returned.”
45. When God alone is mentioned, the hearts of those who do not believe in the Hereafter shrink with resentment. But when those other than Him are mentioned, they become filled with joy.
46. Say, “Our God, Initiator of the heavens and the earth, Knower of all secrets and declarations. You will judge between your servants regarding what they had differed about.”
47. If those who did wrong owned everything on earth, and the like of it with it, they would redeem themselves with it from the terrible suffering on the Day of Resurrection. But there will appear to them from God what they never anticipated.
48. There will appear to them the evils of their deeds, and they will be surrounded by what they used to ridicule.
49. When adversity touches the human being, he calls on Us. But then, when We favor him with a blessing from Us, he says, “I have attained this by virtue of my knowledge.” However, it is a test, but most of them do not know.
50. Those before them said it, but what they had earned did not avail them.
51. The evils of their deeds caught up with them. And the wrongdoers among these will also be afflicted by the evils of what they earned, and they cannot prevent it.
52. Do they not know that God extends the provision to whomever He wills, and constricts it? In that are signs for people who believe.
Here's the commentary.It is clear that it is not the animal soul that is taken away in sleep; it is the soul that stands for human consciousness. In death both are taken away. The statement further makes it clear that the word tawaff å is applied to the taking of the soul and not to the removal of the body from one place to another.
Elsewhere the Holy Qur’ån says: “And most of them believe not in Allåh without associating others (with Him)”.
What they never thought of signifies the overthrow of their power in this life and the manifestation of the evil consequences of their deeds in the Hereafter.
The fact that the heaven and hell of the next life are only manifestations of the spiritual realities of this life is stated here in clear language. The evil consequences of what they do are hidden from the eye in this life, but they shall become plain in the next life
Stress is laid on the mercy and love of Allåh in all religions, but these great Divine attributes find their true and final expression in Islåm. No religion gives the solace and comfort which we find in this verse. It discloses the all-comprehensive mercy of Allåh, before which the sins of men become quite insignificant.
Now don't get me wrong.... I'm enjoying reading this for the most part.... but when statements like "No religion gives the solace and comfort which we find in this verse".... I get a headache!!!I find a lot of Solace in my Salvation through Jesus. I'm sure Islam is very happy with their Salvation through Muhammed.... and before that... I'm sure the people who followed Moses out of Egypt felt solace as well.
God is the central character. That gives me Solace.
These verses define Death and Judgement. We're all going to die..... well, until the End Times and then some won't have time to die... God will just take them. BUT..... HOWEVER>>>> BUT the soul doesn't die. Humans have souls and SOULS DON'T DIE.
When the dead rise... their bodies won't get out of the grave.... unless God wants to use them for something. Their souls, however, will rise and they will be shifted.... to either Heaven.... where life forever is fine...... or to Hades... where life is forever full of too much drama to handle.
Islam doesn't have the corner on God's Solace.... neither does Christianity. The Jews, Christians, and Muslims all worship the same God. Their books all point to the same God. Those of us who have shunned organized religion.... we believe in the same God as all those who are organized. We use the same books... we read the same prophecy. We give God the glory.
God controls the drama now and in the future.
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