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Quran 4:172. The Messiah does not disdain to be a servant of God, nor do the favored angels. Whoever disdains His worship, and is too arrogant—He will round them up to Himself altogether.
173. But as for those who believe and do good works, He will pay them their wages in full, and will increase His grace for them. But as for those who disdain and are too proud, He will punish them with an agonizing punishment. And they will find for themselves, apart from God, no lord and no savior.
174. O people! A proof has come to you from your Lord, and We sent down to you a clear light.
175. As for those who believe in God, and hold fast to Him, He will admit them into mercy and grace from Him, and will guide them to Himself in a straight path.
176. They ask you for a ruling. Say, “God gives you a ruling concerning the person who has neither parents nor children.” If a man dies, and leaves no children, and he had a sister, she receives one-half of what he leaves. And he inherits from her if she leaves no children. But if there are two sisters, they receive two-thirds of what he leaves. If the siblings are men and women, the male receives the share of two females.” God makes things clear for you, lest you err. God is Aware of everything.
This is the commentary this morning.
The rule given here supplements the law of inheritance as given at the commencement of this chapter, and is said to have been revealed very late. As explained in 12b, the kalålah spoken of here is different from the kalålah spoken of in v. 12. Here there are neither children nor parents and therefore the whole of the inheritance goes to the brothers and the sisters.
Reversion to the law of inheritance just after speaking of Jesus Christ has perhaps a deeper meaning. It is a fact that no prophet appeared among the Israelites after Jesus Christ, and therefore his death really left Israel without a spiritual head who should rise to the eminence of prophethood. The spiritual kingdom which was promised to Abraham and which hitherto remained in the house of Israel, was now taken from the Israelites and made over to the brother nation, the Ishmaelites. This would also explain the words addressed to Moses: “God will raise up unto thee a Prophet from the midst of thee, of thy brethren, like unto me” (Deut. 18:15), where the spiritual inheritance is clearly made to devolve on the brethren of the Israelites, i.e., the Ishmaelites, and thus from the midst of thee is clearly explained as meaning from the midst of thy brethren. Moses saw clearly that the Israelites would lose their title to the inheritance of the spiritual kingdom before the advent of the Prophet who was to be his like. And Jesus made the same clear in different words when he said, addressing the Israelites: “The kingdom of God shall be taken from you and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof” (Matt. 21:43).
Good morning. I've been waiting to see this in print and now I do. I always wondered what God would do about Ishmael. Now I am reading it. I am reading the Quran to find out about the Religion. Isaac and Ishmael were brothers from another mother. So... I figure it's important to know what was going on while the Quran was being assembled. So.... I looked up a history lesson. Humans were hard at work. According to the article... the Irish monks had developed the Capital Letters. You know... those fancy letters that show the start of a new idea!
Check this out....
c. 613 | Muhammad begins preaching in Mecca the message of Allah, dictated to him by the archangel Gabriel |
614 | Jerusalem falls to the Persian emperor Khosrau II after a siege of a month, and it is said that 60,000 Christians are massacred |
615 | When the Persians sack Jerusalem,they carry off to Ctesiphon Christianity's most sacred relic - the True Cross |
Ok then....
Men get a double portion of the inheritance here on earth.... I wonder.... are they going to get double the judgement when that days comes?
Only men can be deacons in the church. I wonder if that has anything with their inheritance?
Jesus the Messiah was God here on earth. The church started worshipping Mary as if she were a Goddess. The Muslims took offense. When they explained that Mary was only human and Jesus died on a Roman Cross at the hands of the Jews.... that became their reason to start their own religion.
Will the men who spread the "worship of Mary" that shed doubt on the Gospels get a double share on Judgement day?
Will all the fake preachers and priests answer up on Judgement Day?
God knows who Believes.
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