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Quran 4:33. To everyone We have assigned beneficiaries in what is left by parents and relatives. Those with whom you have made an agreement, give them their share. God is Witness over all things.
34. Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, as God has given some of them an advantage over others, and because they spend out of their wealth. The good women are obedient, guarding what God would have them guard. As for those from whom you fear disloyalty, admonish them, and abandon them in their beds, then strike them. But if they obey you, seek no way against them. God is Sublime, Great.
35. If you fear a breach between the two, appoint an arbiter from his family and an arbiter from her family. If they wish to reconcile, God will bring them together. God is Knowledgeable, Expert.
36. Worship God, and ascribe no partners to Him, and be good to the parents, and the relatives, and the orphans, and the poor, and the neighbor next door, and the distant neighbor, and the close associate, and the traveler, and your servants. God does not love the arrogant showoff.
37. Those who are stingy, and exhort people to stinginess, and conceal what God has given them from His bounty. We have prepared for the disbelievers a disgraceful punishment.
38. And those who spend their money to be seen by people, and believe neither in God nor in the Last Day. Whoever has Satan as a companion—what an evil companion.
39. What would they have lost, had they believed in God and the Last Day, and gave out of what God has provided for them? God knows them very well.
40. God does not commit an atom's weight of injustice; and if there is a good deed, He doubles it, and gives from His Presence a sublime compensation.
41. Then how will it be, when We bring a witness from every community, and We bring you as a witness against these?
42. On that Day, those who disbelieved and disobeyed the Messenger will wish that the earth were leveled over them. They will conceal nothing from God.
43. O you who believe! Do not approach the prayer while you are drunk, so that you know what you say; nor after sexual orgasm—unless you are travelling—until you have bathed. If you are sick, or traveling, or one of you comes from the toilet, or you have had intercourse with women, and cannot find water, find clean sand and wipe your faces and your hands with it. God is Pardoning and Forgiving.
44. Have you not considered those who were given a share of the Book? They buy error, and wish you would lose the way.
Title got you didn't it. It got me when I read it! Now be careful... the same verse that says don't pray after sexual orgasm also says if there is not water available, wash with a thin layer of sand! Now that would be a tad bit uncomfortable... right?
I'm going to use just a couple of verses out of the commentary this morning.
Guarding the unseen is a euphemism for guarding the husband’s rights. The two qualifications of a good wife as given here are her piety or obedience to God and chastity.
The prohibition against praying when intoxicated was a step towards the total prohibition of drink, for the necessity of going to prayer five times a day would afford little opportunity for indulgence in drink. The verse makes it further clear that one must know the significance of what one says when praying to God.
The touching of women is a euphemism for sexual intercourse. Many of the fine phrases used in the Holy Qur’ån to express this delicate relation were unknown to the Arabs; words and forms were adopted which would not shock the most delicate ears.
T a y a m m u m (from a m m a, meaning he repaired) means striking both hands on pure earth, or anything containing pure dust, and then passing the hands over the face and the backs of the hands. When water is not found, or is likely to do harm, t a y a m m u m suffices instead of ablution before prayer.
There are a couple situations, I've experienced, when a man should just keep his mouth shut. A drunk man is generally a blithering idiot.... and people remember when someone is a blithering idiot.... they don't get over it quickly. A man who has just had an orgasm needs a minute to get his poop together. Some powerful promises have been made by many a male human who has just experienced an orgasm. Such a man will promise the moon.... like he owned it.
Now I don't know who goes to a Mosque. I have to say.... to my knowledge.... I've never been in a Mosque. I've only gone to one "Mass" and I've never been to a Synagogue. I was raised in a church pew though. I was raised to think good Protestants are in the pew at least three times a week... Sunday Morning, Sunday Evening, and Wednesday Evening. I gotta say.... there were a lot of hung over men in those pews. I remember saying to myself.... "boy I hope this sermon is on the ills of demon rum. Mr. so-in-so can use a good talking to." [Yep I was/am a prudish little Protestant].
Muslim men don't have time to get drunk. They have to stay sober to pray... they pray five times a day. I know a lot of good Protestant men who don't even take the time to pray three times a week. They are only there to be seen so the members of their church will do business with them... a friendly little drink is good for the nerves.
Whenever there is more than one opinion in the room, and an unified opinion is necessary, someone has to have the final say.
I believe what the Bible, the Torah, and what the Quran says here..... the man gets stuck with making the decision. It would be better for everyone if that decision was made with a sober and level headed mind. A drunk is a blithering idiot so he's not capable of reliable decision making. And who wants a drunk standing up for them. A man who has just had an orgasm, might give away the store, or declare the woman a goddess and promise her the moon.
Because the man is chosen to make the final decision.... he's going to answer for that decision. God is going to judge how he did.
Have you ever had sex on the beach? No I'm not talking about the drink.... I'm talking about laying down in the sand and getting it in very sensitive areas that are only unclothed during the event. It's not fun..... it's actually painful. According to the Quran... if these men can't find water.... they have to use sand... sand... to wash. Prayer.... prayer is what is required five times a day.... and a clear mind is necessary when talking to God. If sand is all you have to clean up with.... sand is what is necessary.
I've seen that sand will clean a cook pot when out camping. I guess rubbing sand on your face and arms might just bring an orgasmic mind back to the day at hand.
So the lesson this morning is keep your head about you. Don't go to God when you're drunk..... "nor after sexual orgasm".
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