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Quran 4:81. They profess obedience, but when they leave your presence, some of them conspire something contrary to what you said. But God writes down what they conspire. So avoid them, and put your trust in God. God is Guardian enough.
82. Do they not ponder the Quran? Had it been from any other than God, they would have found in it much discrepancy.
83. When some news of security or alarm comes their way, they broadcast it. But had they referred it to the Messenger, and to those in authority among them, those who can draw conclusions from it would have comprehended it. Were it not for God’s blessing and mercy upon you, you would have followed the Devil, except for a few.
84. So fight in the cause of God; you are responsible only for yourself. And rouse the believers. Perhaps God will restrain the might of those who disbelieve. God is Stronger in Might, and More Punishing.
85. Whoever intercedes for a good cause has a share in it, and whoever intercedes for an evil cause shares in its burdens. God keeps watch over everything.
86. When you are greeted with a greeting, respond with a better greeting, or return it. God keeps count of everything.
87. God—there is no god except He. He will gather you to the Day of Resurrection, in which there is no doubt. And who speaks more truly than God?
88. What is the matter with you, divided into two factions regarding the hypocrites, when God Himself has overwhelmed them on account of what they did? Do you want to guide those whom God has led astray? Whomever God leads astray—you will never find for him a way.
89. They would love to see you disbelieve, just as they disbelieve, so you would become equal. So do not befriend any of them, unless they emigrate in the way of God. If they turn away, seize them and execute them wherever you may find them; and do not take from among them allies or supporters.
90. Except those who join people with whom you have a treaty, or those who come to you reluctant to fight you or fight their own people. Had God willed, He would have given them power over you, and they would have fought you. If they withdraw from you, and do not fight you, and offer you peace, then God assigns no excuse for you against them.
91. You will find others who want security from you, and security from their own people. But whenever they are tempted into civil discord, they plunge into it. So if they do not withdraw from you, nor offer you peace, nor restrain their hands, seize them and execute them wherever you find them. Against these, We have given you clear authorization.
I love verse 82. It says [paraphrased].... "people have been studying the Quran [and the Bible] for forever.... if they haven't found the lie.... then it doesn't exist.'
So far, I don't see anything in the Quran that is anti-Christian.... except that Jesus died on the Cross.... and the Quran seems to present that Jesus must have been human. Actually I agree that Jesus was human..... because Jesus was God in human form. I figure some know-it=all attorney is going to challenge God on Judgement Day with a statement like "how can you judge me when you have never experienced temptation or feared death.... give me a jury of my peers". I figure since Jesus died on the Cross as a human..... since Jesus was tempted like a human.... and I believe the Cross combined with the Empty Tomb, just prove God came to earth as a human and endured humanity in perfect harmony.... and then returned to Heaven where He can definitely reply to that know-it-all attorney... "Who died and made you God?"
Ok... here are the outtakes from the commentary this morning.
A greeting is a prayer for the good of another, t a ƒ i y y a h being originally a prayer for one’s long life. The Islamic greeting is al-salåmu ‘alai-kum, which means peace be to y o u, so that when two Muslims meet they are required to pray for one another’s good. The minimum requirement is that a greeting must be returned in the same words. Hence the other party says wa ‘alaikum al-salåm, meaning and to you be peace. But it is recommended that the greeting should be returned in better words, and hence, to the words of the reply are added the words wa raƒmatu-llåhi wa barakåtuh, i.e. and the mercy of Allåh and His blessings. But what is really aimed at is that a Muslim should always wish good for, or do good to, his brother, and the other is required to do greater good in return.
Clearly those waverers are implied here who went back to disbelief after they accepted Islåm, and thus again joined the disbelievers. As to their identity, there are six different conjectures, and I need not puzzle the reader with these.
This verse explains the previous one, showing clearly that even waverers were not to be killed or fought against if they refrained from fighting, though they may have gone over to disbelief after accepting Islåm. The commentators agree that the persons referred to in this verse were disbelievers and not Muslims, and they are generally supposed to have been the Banß Mudlaj (Bd). Note also that we have here the clear injunction that if any people offered peace, they were not to be fought against.
By mischief, or fitnah, is meant war with the Muslims (Rz). Two tribes, Asad and Gha∆fån, came to the Muslims and showed an inclination to remain at peace, but when they went back and their people invited them to join them in fighting with the Muslims, they responded to the call. Such people could not be trusted. The importance of these directions in time of war, when the Muslims were hemmed in on all sides by enemies, can hardly be overestimated.
I once heard that the reasons the Southerners talk with a slow drawl while the Northerners talk so quick is the heat. Think about it.... in the north in the cold people will jump up and down to stay warm.... while in the south... they work slow, in the shade if possible so they can stay cool. The reason for this lesson was the Northerners considered Southerners dim witted because they spoke with a slow drawl while the Southerners considered Northerners prone to making errors because they move too quick without all the information.... yet another cause for the Civil War.Here I am reading that the Arabs were sure that anyone who wasn't with them was against them. Jesus even said the same thing while He was here.
Matthew 12:30“Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters.
Arabia..... miles and miles and miles of desert.... unpopulated vastness..... why fight?If God wants us to pick up a sword.... He'll put the sword right in our hand. Like the characters out of the Westerns on TV.... if the guy in the white hat has to shoot someone.... the reason is clearly laid out before he straps on his gun belt or grabs his rifle.
If there is doubt that it is from God..... then we shouldn't do it.... If it wasn't from God.....
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