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Quran 40:51. Most surely We will support Our messengers and those who believe, in this life, and on the Day the witnesses arise.
52. The Day when their excuses will not profit the wrongdoers, and the curse will be upon them, and they will have the Home of Misery.
53. We gave Moses guidance, and made the Children of Israel inherit the Scripture.
54. A guide and a reminder for those endowed with reason.
55. So be patient. The promise of God is true. And ask forgiveness for your sin, and proclaim the praise of your Lord evening and morning.
56. Those who dispute regarding God’s revelations without any authority having come to them—there is nothing in their hearts but the feeling of greatness, which they will never attain. So seek refuge in God; for He is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing.
57. Certainly the creation of the heavens and the earth is greater than the creation of humanity, but most people do not know.
58. Not equal are the blind and the seeing. Nor are those who believe and work righteousness equal to the sinners. How little you reflect.
59. Indeed, the Hour is coming; there is no doubt about it; but most people do not believe.
60. Your Lord has said, “Pray to Me, and I will respond to you. But those who are too proud to worship Me will enter Hell forcibly.
Here's the commentary.The emphatic promise that the Prophet will be helped in this life, too, was made at a time when he was being persecuted, and there was not the least indication that his powerful opponents would be vanquished.
The words istaghfir-li-dhanbi-ka occurring here, and repeated in 47:19, do not negative the claim made repeatedly that the Prophet was sinless. Fully five times the Holy Prophet is described in the Holy Qur’ån as being one who purified others from sin. How could a sinful man purify others from sins? In fact, we do not find any prophet or reformer so plainly described as a purifier of others as the Holy Prophet Mu√ammad. Again, the Holy Prophet is repeatedly spoken of in the Holy Qur’ån as walking in the way of perfect righteousness and entire submission to Allåh. Obedience to the Messenger is obedience to Allåh; if you love Allåh, then follow me, Allåh will love you. In the presence of these and a hundred other statements of a similar nature, sin could not be attributed to him. A perusal of the Holy Book further proves that the Qur’ån does not allow us to attribute sin to any prophet: “They speak not before He speaks, and according to His command they act”. The significance of dhanb has already been fully explained in 3:11a. The other word occurring here is istighfår. It is of the measure of istif‘ål, and signifies the asking of ghafr or maghfirah. According to R, ghafr means the covering of a thing with that which will protect it from dirt. Hence the words ghufrån and maghfirah on the part of Allåh signify, according to the same authority, His granting protection to His servants against chastisement. And istaghfara is explained as meaning he sought of God covering or forgiveness or pardon. It will thus be seen that the idea of protection is the dominant idea in the word ghafr and its derivatives, and the word not only signifies the foregiveness of sin, but also the covering of sin, which is really the granting of protection against sin. That ghafr means protection against the punishment of sin as well as protection against the commission of sin, is made clear by Qas∆alånß in his commentary of Bukhårß: Al-ghafru al-sitru wa huwa immå baina-l-‘abdi wa-l-dhanbi wa immå baina-l-dhanbi wa ‘uq∂batihß, i.e., ghafr means protection, and it is either a protection of the servant from sins or a protection from the punishment of sin. It is therefore protection in the first sense that is meant here, protection from sins, a protection from the imperfections of human nature, which make a man liable to sin unless he is protected by Allåh. In fact, wherever the word ghafr or istighf år is used in connection with the righteous, it is the protection from sin that is meant.
Man is insignificant as compared with the vast creation of the heavens and the earth, yet he deems himself so great that he would not bow his head before the great Creator of this vast creation. But according to Abu-l-‘Åliyah, by the nås (men) is here meant Dajjål, or Anti-Christ. The Ma‘ålim al-Tanzßl quotes the following √adßth: “Hishåm ibn ‘Åmir relates having heard the Messenger of Allåh saying that from the creation of man to the coming of the Hour, there is no creation greater in temptation than Anti-Christ”.
Boy... they must have big problems with patience in the Quran..... The big commentary was on the verse beginning with "be patient".When God created Satan.... He must have smiled and that must have given Satan the idea that Satan was the center of God's Universe. BUT, Satan was just a tool created to complete a project.... like making a collar for a shirt. Satan was one of the angels.... a particularly self center one... but an angel. I bet Satan was really upset when God created the Anti-Christ..... After all the Anti-Christ reminds us that Satan was once an angel.
God seems to like checks and balances. He makes bunnies.... lots and lots of bunnies.... and coyotes... not quite as many... don't want to do away with all the bunnies... just keep the number in check.
Maybe... it would be wise for me to remember.... God created the night too.... and warned humans that evil happens in the dark. God created the Day... and the Night. There are creatures that think Day is evil because it stops them from hunting. There are two sides to every story... even God's story. He created evil too.
I've heard it over and over and over again.... God is a Loving God. This is true.... God loves us... He took the time to create us... He considered what we were to be made of... and how those components will be placed. We see with the eyes in the front of our heads and we sense what is behind us... and we can turn to see it. We sit on our butts because God made our butts convenient to sit on. God gave us eyes that see in the daylight while he gave other creatures, like serpents and owls, have eyes that see better in the dark. Bats live in the dark... and they have sonar! God created everything!
We think because God created for us a big thinking brain. We choose because God created choice and made it one of our tools. We could choose to go hunting in the dark... but we are better suited to be daylight predators. God created us to work in the daylight. Our predators work in the night darkness.
The Anti-Christ was created because there is a Christ.
God created the Anti-Christ.