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Quran 41:33. And who is better in speech than someone who calls to God, and acts with integrity, and says, “I am of those who submit”?
34. Good and evil are not equal. Repel evil with good, and the person who was your enemy becomes like an intimate friend.
35. But none will attain it except those who persevere, and none will attain it except the very fortunate.
36. When a temptation from the Devil provokes you, seek refuge in God; He is the Hearer, the Knower.
37. And of His signs are the night and the day, and the sun and the moon. Do not bow down to the sun, nor to the moon, but bow down to God, Who created them both, if it is Him that you serve.
38. But if they are too proud—those in the presence of your Lord praise Him night and day, and without ever tiring.
39. And of His signs is that you see the land still. But when We send down water upon it, it stirs and grows. Surely, He Who revived it will revive the dead. He is Able to do all things.
40. Those who despise Our revelations are not hidden from Us. Is he who is hurled into the Fire better? Or he who arrives safely on the Day of Resurrection? Do as you please; He is Seeing of everything you do.
41. Those who reject the Reminder when it has come to them—it is an invincible Book.
42. Falsehood cannot approach it, from before it or behind it. It is a revelation from One Wise and Praiseworthy.
43. Nothing is said to you but was said to the Messengers before you: your Lord is Possessor of Forgiveness, and Possessor of Painful Repayment.
44. Had We made it a Quran in a foreign language, they would have said, “If only its verses were made clear.” Non-Arabic and an Arab? Say, “For those who believe, it is guidance and healing. But as for those who do not believe: there is heaviness in their ears, and it is blindness for them. These are being called from a distant place.”
Here's the commentary.The previous verse teaches the repelling of evil with good. This verse suggests another remedy for evil. The primary significance of nazagha-h∂ is he charged him with vice or spoke evil of him . It is in this sense that the word is used here and the context makes it clear. It also means intrusion on or interference in an affair for the purpose of causing mischief in it. The Prophet is here told that, if his work is interfered with by evildoers or if false imputations are made against him, he should seek refuge in Allåh, and Divine help, which always comes to the righteous, will make truth triumphant.
The still earth signifies land dried up and without herbage; its stirring indicates its moving with life and its swelling the producing of herbage. This is entirely metaphorical. It indicates that, when Divine revelation comes, it gives a new life to men. Attention is called to this in the words that follow. The effect of rain upon earth is likened to the effect of the Qur’ån upon the hearts of men. Dead here are the spiritually dead.
There seems to be a reference here to the prophecies which spoke of the coming of an Ishmaelite or an Arab prophet. The reference to Moses in the next verse confirms this, because Moses spoke plainly of a prophet like himself appearing from among the brethren of the Israelites, who are no others than the Ishmaelites.
The Qur’ån is here called a healing because it was a remedy for the spiritual diseases which prevailed in the world. It is the book which proved itself to be a healing, because it found a nation affected with the worst possible spiritual and moral diseases, and within less than a quarter of a century cleansed a whole country and a whole nation of all those diseases. Its healing effect, however, has not been limited to Arabia, and today there is no people on the surface of the earth that does not bear witness to the great healing power of the Qur’ån, which is so far-reaching in its effect that non-Muslims have benefited by it equally with Muslims.
This morning I have no desire to post these scriptures any more. I look at the other posts... and I think.... why bother!! These people are so smart I am just whistling in space. No one reads this stuff. They open the posts and shut them... I get a tick on my views... thanks for that... but then they don't even read. This is so frickin boring..... I want to pull my hair out! Maybe it's because I'm reading the Quran for the first time... while posting Revelation and living through what is probably the beginnings of World War III. Alas... I said I would and I have to do it. Some will never read the "other side of the story".... Some will drudge through this with me. As long as there is one other person reading... I have to continue. We're a group. But isn't it boring you to tears too?????
OK... today it talks about the clearing the Arab nations of all their Spiritual Disease. That would be Idol worship or the worship of the sun, moon, and stars. That would be snake worship.... or cow worship..... today it says the Quran came along to cure people of their Spiritual Disease.
Well no wonder I don't like this book... it's Medicine!!!!
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