Quran 43:16-25 Angel worship


Well-Known Member
Quran 43:16. Or has He chosen for Himself daughters from what He creates, and favored you with sons?
17. Yet when one of them is given news of what he attributes to the Most Gracious, his face darkens, and he suppresses grief.
18. “Someone brought up to be beautiful, and unable to help in a fight?”
19. And they appoint the angels, who are servants to the Most Gracious, as females. Have they witnessed their creation? Their claim will be recorded, and they will be questioned.
20. And they say, “Had the Most Gracious willed, we would not have worshiped them.” But they have no knowledge of that; they are merely guessing.
21. Or have We given them a book prior to this one, to which they adhere?
22. But they say, “We found our parents on a course, and we are guided in their footsteps.”
23. Likewise, We sent no warner before you to any town, but the wealthy among them said, “We found our parents on a course, and we are following in their footsteps.”
24. He would say, “Even if I bring you better guidance than what you found your parents following?” They would say, “We reject what you are sent with.”
25. So We wreaked vengeance upon them. Behold, then, what was the fate of those who deny.
Here's today's commentary.

This subject is also dealt with in 16:57, 58, and 37:149 –153.In the latter place there is clear mention of their calling the angels daughters of God: “Or did We create the angels females, while they witnessed” . Similar words occur further on in v. 19. The next verse shows how untrue they were to themselves, as they ascribed daughters to God but disliked daughters for themselves.
The reference in this verse is to the idols which were bedecked with ornaments. The inability of the idols to speak is adduced by Abraham as an argument against their divinity, and the same inability of the idols to answer the prayers of their devotees is advanced as an argument against the divinity of the golden calf. It should be borne in mind that the two doctrines, taking the angels as daughters of God and worship of female divinities, were in some way connected with each other in the Arab mind. This is not only clear from what is stated here and in 37:149 –153 but also from another early revelation. After mentioning the three female idols Låt, ‘Uzzå and Manåt, and denouncing their worship, the Holy Qur’ån goes on to speak of the doctrine of the angels being taken as daughters of God, thus showing the close relation in which the two doctrines stood.​
Since they are quoted.... and kind of hard to link.... here are the verses discussed in the commentary.
Quran 16:57. And they attribute to God daughters—exalted is He—and for themselves what they desire.
58. And when one of them is given news of a female infant, his face darkens, and he chokes with grief.
Quran 37:149. Ask them, “Are the daughters for your Lord, while for them the sons?”
150. Or did We create the angels females, as they witnessed?”
151. No indeed! It is one of their lies when they say.
152. “God has begotten.” They are indeed lying.
153. So He preferred girls over boys?
So... apparently.... someone was spreading the word that angels are all girls... and on top of that.... all angels are God's daughters.

I think this has to do with Jesus being the Messiah. They don't buy God having a Son. I guess someone actually said.... "Well God has all those daughters... why can't he have a son?" to which someone else would reply...." Angels are not His Daughters.... yes He created them... but they are not daughters. They are minions that do His bidding."

I also think it has to do with angel worship. I know a lot of women.... who have spent a ton of hard earned dollars to adorn their homes with angels. If one gets broken... call out the National Guard cause momma's on a tear. That's not the same thing... thankfully. Collecting... dust catchers.... is not the same as bowing to an angel. So don't go smashing up Grannie's ceramic collection.

Angel worship is much deeper... it's worshiping Gabriel or Michael. It's bowing down to something... or someone... God made.

You know how kids are always so happy playing with the box.... when that expensive toy that the box once carried... lays on the floor? It's like that.... worshiping anyone but the One True Living God.... is ignorant. Angels only do what God says to do. Why would you worship an angel?

This is about Jesus.... Muslims believe Jesus was a Prophet... not the Messiah... and not the Son of God. HOWEVER.... Jesus could call down angels. That's a clue.

So...this is about angel worship....
