Quran 5:1-5 "Daily Bread"


Well-Known Member
Quran 5:In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful.
1. O you who believe! Fulfill your commitments. Livestock animals are permitted for you, except those specified to you; but not wild game while you are in pilgrim sanctity. God decrees whatever He wills.
2. O you who believe! Do not violate God’s sacraments, nor the Sacred Month, nor the offerings, nor the garlanded, nor those heading for the Sacred House seeking blessings from their Lord and approval. When you have left the pilgrim sanctity, you may hunt. And let not the hatred of people who barred you from the Sacred Mosque incite you to aggression. And cooperate with one another in virtuous conduct and conscience, and do not cooperate with one another in sin and hostility. And fear God. God is severe in punishment.
3. Prohibited for you are carrion, blood, the flesh of swine, and animals dedicated to other than God; also the flesh of animals strangled, killed violently, killed by a fall, gored to death, mangled by wild animals—except what you rescue, and animals sacrificed on altars; and the practice of drawing lots. For it is immoral. Today, those who disbelieve have despaired of your religion, so do not fear them, but fear Me. Today I have perfected your religion for you, and have completed My favor upon you, and have approved Islam as a religion for you. But whoever is compelled by hunger, with no intent of wrongdoing—God is Forgiving and Merciful.
4. They ask you what is permitted for them. Say, “Permitted for you are all good things, including what trained dogs and falcons catch for you.” You train them according to what God has taught you. So eat from what they catch for you, and pronounce God’s name over it. And fear God. God is Swift in reckoning.
5. Today all good things are made lawful for you. And the food of those given the Scripture is lawful for you, and your food is lawful for them. So are chaste believing women, and chaste women from the people who were given the Scripture before you, provided you give them their dowries, and take them in marriage, not in adultery, nor as mistresses. But whoever rejects faith, his work will be in vain, and in the Hereafter he will be among the losers.

This chapter is called "the Table at Ma'idah". The forward from the commentary implies that this chapter is a response to the "Daily Bread" instruction in the Christian faith. The commentary I am using is from their version of the Study Bible. We're just starting the fifth chapter of the book that was written in the 600's. This is 600 years after Jesus, Jerusalem is in shambles. Muhammed has been mentioned in the preceding chapters. Mary is being worshipped in the church as a goddess... the mother of Jesus. The Muslims have a problem with that... as do I. Mary was a good little human. She was never a god.... she was never to be worshipped except by Joseph her husband, and that would be more adoration rather than worship. So, according to the commentary, so far, the Muslims have split away from the Christians and Jews and created their own Religion.... worshipping God.

Muslims worship the same God as the Christians and the Jews. The Muslims are from the line of Ishmael, the brother of another mother of Isaac.

This is from the commentary.

The principle laid down here as to uprightness of conduct in dealing even with those whom one hates is laudable, and the international code of the modern world stands sorely in need of such a principle of uprightness. Requiring equal treatment for all nations — for those whom we hate and for those whom we love — Islåm alone can serve as an international law.

I think this is an interesting thought.

Game killed by means of beasts and birds of prey taught to hunt is allowed. When, however, the beast or the bird is sent after the prey, the name of Allåh should be mentioned. Game killed by an arrow or by a shot is allowed, subject to the same condition. In either case, if the game is not killed before it falls into the hands of the hunter, it should be slaughtered; if it is already killed, it is lawful in that condition.
And this is about Muslim women and marriage.

Indeed, while women belonging to other religions would be happy in a Muslim household, because of the status and rights which Islåm confers on women, Muslim women in an alien household would be in a condition of distress, because they would lose the rights which they enjoy in Muslim society. It may be added that the law here given is not limited to the Jews and the Christians, but includes the followers of all religions based on revelation

So... Muslims are not warmongers. They don't slaughter for the thrill of it. They thank God for everything they slaughter.

Muslims, like Jews, do not eat meat that has been offered in Sacrifice. There was a lot of contention in the Christian Church because they figured since Jesus was the "Perfect Sacrifice" there was no further need for the Sacrificial Altar. So the Christians didn't have a problem with eating a lamb that was sacrificed. To the Christian it is all food.... to the Jew and the Muslim.... it's taboo.

There is commentary about hunting for sport. At first I was a little puzzled about the "before it falls into the hands of the hunter" statement. I mean the verses were talking about hunting prey with trained dogs and falcons. These verses show that even wild game had to be dead before it was carried off to dine on. God is still at the center of the hunt. The Muslims thank God for the food in advance.

The final comment really gets to my heart. It says Muslim women have more freedom than Jewish or Christian women.

Women in the Christian Bible are not equal to men. In the Jewish faith, when a man dies, his wife has to be offered to the closest relative. If they don't take her in.... she is thrown out.... penniless. Women in the Quran received half the inheritance compared to men.

Let's face it ladies... in the year 600 CE.... we were the kitchen wench.... or the bedroom wench.... but we were not free in any religion.

The Muslims didn't like the way the Jews and the Christians were treating God. So they did something about it.

This is about the difference in the Religion.... based on our "Daily Bread".
