Quran 5:67-77 Jesus ate food


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Quran 5:67 O Messenger, convey what was revealed to you from your Lord. But if you do not, then you would not have delivered His message. And God will protect you from the people. God does not guide the disbelieving people.
68. Say, “O People of the Scripture! You have no basis until you uphold the Torah, and the Gospel, and what is revealed to you from your Lord.” But what is revealed to you from your Lord will increase many of them in rebellion and disbelief, so do not be sorry for the disbelieving people.
69. Those who believe, and the Jews, and the Sabians, and the Christianswhoever believes in God and the Last Day, and does what is right—they have nothing to fear, nor shall they grieve.
70. We made a covenant with the Children of Israel, and We sent to them messengers. Whenever a messenger came to them with what their souls did not desire, some of them they accused of lying, and others they put to death.
71. They assumed there would be no punishment, so they turned blind and deaf. Then God redeemed them, but then again many of them turned blind and deaf. But God is Seeing of what they do.
72. They disbelieve those who say, “God is the Messiah the son of Mary.” But the Messiah himself said, “O Children of Israel, worship God, my Lord and your Lord. Whoever associates others with God, God has forbidden him Paradise, and his dwelling is the Fire. The wrongdoers have no saviors.”
73. They disbelieve those who say, “God is the third of three.” But there is no deity except the One God. If they do not refrain from what they say, a painful torment will befall those among them who disbelieve.
74. Will they not repent to God and ask His forgiveness? God is Forgiving and Merciful.
75. The Messiah son of Mary was only a messenger, before whom other Messengers had passed away, and his mother was a woman of truth. They both used to eat food. Note how We make clear the revelations to them; then note how deluded they are.
76. Say, “Do you worship, besides God, what has no power to harm or benefit you?” But God: He is the Hearer, the Knower.
77. Say, “O People of the Scripture! Do not exaggerate in your religion beyond the truth; and do not follow the opinions of people who went astray before, and misled many, and themselves strayed off the balanced way.”

Well the commentary won't cooperate this morning. I can't copy and paste. So here's what I got from the commentary.

The Muslims are not fans of Jesus. Oh they are willing to admit, freely, that He was indeed a prophet, but they draw the line there.

The church of the day... back in 600 CE [and even today to an extent] was enamored with Mary. All those statues of Mary, was just what the Muslims needed to say Jesus and Mary were both humans. They ate the same food. She nursed Him from her human bosom. So if Mary was not the divine creature the church made her out to be, then Jesus had to be a human.

Since the church gave them both divine status....that perverted the status of the Trinity. The church was so corrupted, they led people to believe the Trinity was made up of Mary, Jesus, and God... or God, Jesus, and Mary. When word got out that the Muslims, and others were getting the wrong idea about the Trinity, because of the corrupted teachings, no one corrected the church.

The Trinity is God, Jesus, and the Spirit. Selling little statues of Mary raised her status in the church, but it did nothing for bringing outsiders to the Christian Faith. After all, this is 600 CE [or 600 AD] and there were no Bibles laying around to show them the Truth.

Yes... Jesus was human. Why is that so hard for people to understand?

God is God.... He created the air we breath and then used some of those same ingredients to create the water we drink.

Why do we keep putting God in a box? God created the molecules that made up the box. God can un-create the box if He wants to. God made the earth spin backwards, making a shadow go backwards down the stair. That's in the Old Testament....

Isaiah 38:8 8 I will make the shadow cast by the sun go back the ten steps it has gone down on the stairway of Ahaz.’” So the sunlight went back the ten steps it had gone down.

If God can make the earth go backwards.... couldn't He come to earth through a human woman, He created out of the man He created? He's God.

How many times have you eaten something and said "now that's heavenly"? Should Jesus have the freedom to enjoy [or detest] everything humans love to eat?

Sure Jesus fed that human body He was using. He had to keep it going so He could get to the tomb and survive death.

If God didn't know how frail humans are to sin.... He would have given up and wiped us all out a long time ago. Remember... human corruption is what brought on the demise of Sodom. Human corruption, as pointed out here in these verses, brought on the conquest by the Babylonians.

Jesus is sitting on the right hand of God, because He became human and endured the temptations humans deal with every day. I am amazed He didn't call down the Warrior Angels and wipe us all out.... I'm sure He was tempted to do so.

God loves us so much, He sent His Only Begotten Son. God loves us so much, He became a human to prove to us that we can avoid temptation. It is in our DNA.

Sure God became a human.... He's the only one who could show us what the human body could endure..... He's also the only one who really knew how to enjoy human food. Sure Jesus ate.... fish and bread.

Jesus knows what it's like to live the highs and lows of humanity. Jesus ate food.
