Quran 7:127-140 There are signs


Well-Known Member
Quran 7:127. The chiefs of Pharaoh's people said, “Will you let Moses and his people cause trouble in the land, and forsake you and your gods?” He said, “We will kill their sons, and spare their women. We have absolute power over them.”
128. Moses said to his people, “Seek help in God, and be patient. The earth belongs to God. He gives it in inheritance to whomever He wills of His servants, and the future belongs to the righteous.”
129. They said, “We were persecuted before you came to us, and after you came to us.” He said, “Perhaps your Lord will destroy your enemy, and make you successors in the land; then He will see how you behave.”
130. And We afflicted the people of Pharaoh with barren years, and with shortage of crops, that they may take heed.
131. When something good came their way, they said, “This is ours.” And when something bad happened to them, they ascribed the evil omen to Moses and those with him. In fact, their omen is with God, but most of them do not know.
132. And they said, “No matter what sign you bring us, to bewitch us with, we will not believe in you.”
133. So We let loose upon them the flood, and the locusts, and the lice, and the frogs, and blood—all explicit signs—but they were too arrogant. They were a sinful people.
134. Whenever a plague befell them, they would say, “O Moses, pray to your Lord for us, according to the covenant He made with you. If you lift the plague from us, we will believe in you, and let the Children of Israel go with you.”
135. But when We lifted the plague from them, for a term they were to fulfill, they broke their promise.
136. So We took vengeance on them, and drowned them in the sea—because they rejected Our signs, and paid no heed to them.
137. And We made the oppressed people inherit the eastern and western parts of the land, which We had blessed. Thus the fair promise of your Lord to the Children of Israel was fulfilled, because of their endurance. And We destroyed what Pharaoh and his people had built, and what they had harvested.
138. And We delivered the Children of Israel across the sea. And when they came upon a people who were devoted to some statues of theirs, they said, “O Moses, make for us a god, as they have gods.” He said, “You are truly an ignorant people.”
139. “What these people are concerned with is perdition, and their deeds are based on falsehoods.”
140. He said, “Shall I seek for you a god other than God, when He has favored you over all other people?”

Just to remind you..... we are comparing the Quran to the Bible.

And Abraham had a third wife....Katurah..... I didn't know that! Now let's see what else I didn't learn [and I think I'm so fricking smart]

We're back with Moses and what was the Exodus story in the Bible. Moses and Aaron are negotiating with Pharaoh. They already threw down the staff and the staff serpent has already devoured the snakes the magicians mustered up. Now these verses seem to be about the plagues and the people themselves.

Here's the commentary.

The word translated as dominant is qåhir, which signifies one who has overcome, conquered, or subdued another (LL).​
By the land is meant the Promised Land, for thither was Moses taking them. Their being made rulers in the land was conditional upon their doing good; this is suggested in the concluding words of the verse​
The Bible mentions the following signs: (1) Turning of the water into blood; (2) frogs; (3) lice; (4) flies; (5) plague upon beasts and men; (6) hail; (7) locusts; (8) darkness; (9) death of the first-born. Of these the Qur’ån mentions the first two, the third, and the seventh in clear words; the fourth is included in the third; the fifth and the ninth are mentioned together as ∆∂f ån or widespread death; the hail is not mentioned, but the destruction of fruits, which was brought about by it, is mentioned in v. 130; while instead of the darkness we have the drought in that verse, which seems to have been the actual affliction, and of which darkness may have been a result either metaphorically or actually, because of hurricanes and storms darkening the land, as is usually the case in time of drought. The two signs of v. 130, with the five mentioned here, are the seven signs which, with the two signs of the rod and the white hand, make up the nine signs of 17:101 and 27:12.​
A reference to Exodus, 8–11, will show that Pharaoh again and again broke his promise to let the Children of Israel go — promises which he made on condition that a certain affliction should be removed.​
The land that was blessed is none other than the Holy Land, for which a Divine promise was given to Abraham. The good word referred to here is that contained in Gen. 17:8. The eastern and the western lands might signify the eastern and the western tracts of the Holy Land, or the lands on the eastern and western sides of the Jordan.
The Israelites undoubtedly came across idolatrous nations in their wanderings in Syria. They themselves had idolatrous leanings: “The people gathered themselves together unto Aaron and said unto him, Up, make us gods which shall go before us!” (Exod. 32:1). Many other anecdotes show a similar tendency to idol-worship.
Moses’ argument against idolatry is the one to which the Holy Qur’ån repeatedly calls attention, viz. that man, being as it were the lord of creation under God, and excelling the whole of creation, should not take objects lower than himself as his gods.

In case some of you are wondering.... no I haven't converted to Muslim. I'm still Christian... but the Quran seems to be making a lot of sense.

All the miracles that God let Moses take the credit for are mentioned here. Along with the white hand in yesterday's verses. In the Bible his hair and his face turned glowing white when he was up on the mountain.... but in the Quran... it seems to be his hand that glowed.

We've been going through some plagues of our own.... The west coast of the US is on fire again while the east coast is rocked with the rain the west coast needs so dearly. Tornados are tearing up the heartland while a fire tunnel has messed up the gulf of Mexico. We've had massive red tides. The Amazon, the lungs of the world, is on fire or being cut down. Alaska had an 8.2 earthquake that started a tsunami warning. The floods in Europe looked nasty. Volcano's that everyone thought were dormant.... are coming back to life. The pandemic that tore through the world in 2020 is back has regenerated into another deadly wave for us to deal with. We've had locusts and storms. It's been hellishly hot and then iceberg cold. The animals are even acting wonky.... who put an alligator in the bay? Sharks are closing down summer swimming parties. Even the Olympics have been affected. People are losing their exceptional talents and falling flat.

We need to put down our idols and pick up the Commandments.

There are signs!
