
Lawful neutral

"It is with a saddened heart that I confirm my dear friend Dave Brockie, artist, musician, and lead singer of GWAR, passed away at approximately 6:50 p.m. EST Sunday, March 23, 2014. His body was found Sunday by his bandmate at his home in Richmond, Virginia. Richmond authorities have confirmed his death and next of kin has been notified. A full autopsy will be performed. He was 50 years old, born August 30, 1963.


Jam out with ur clam out
oh no..... I remember seeing them in concert many years ago...

they put on an amazing show!!! I love them!!!

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Friend of mine collaborated with Dave, back in '02, flew him out to Arizona to do one song such was his respect and admiration for Dave and Gwar. Tom wrote the song with Dave in mind and nothing else would do so, he asked him, Dave said yes and they did it.

When they, Tom and his engineer, were working on it, it wasn't coming out the way Tom had envisioned and Dave, finally, said "Allow me..." once he got a feel for what Tom wanted. Did a few tricks he'd learned over the years with Gwar, a few dials here, mic tricks, some placement there and.... magic!!!

The other great story from the trip was, when Tom picked up the one and only Oderus Urungus at the airport, he'd brought along...

...his golf clubs. :lol:


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Larry Gude

Strung Out
"Dave accidentally bought some smack, accidentally cooked it up and accidentally found a needle in his arm."

Darn the luck.