race and ethnicity on applications

should race and gender be on applications?

  • yes

    Votes: 3 8.8%
  • no

    Votes: 29 85.3%
  • doesn't matter

    Votes: 2 5.9%

  • Total voters


Keep Calm and Don't Care!
in the interest of racial equality, what do you think? should employers, colleges, etc, etc. have a "race" or "ethnicity" section on an application?


All Up In Your Grill
I think they should have a section on the application asking about various psychological aspects, such as OCD. :shrug:


Of course not. The only reason I can imagine it being on there is for Affirmative Action, which is total BS. It lets a less qualified minority get a job before a perfectly qualified majority who has worked his or her butt off if the company or other organization hasn't reached their quota for that minority. Everyone should have to work their butt off equally to get where they want to be. Affirmative Action isn't still being used, is it? It'd be nice to know what places employ it.


Keep Calm and Don't Care!
and i vote no.

to me, everybody is a human regardless of skin color, religion, ethnicity, gender, etc.

if we want a colorblind society, none of that should matter. if it's not being considered at all in employment or admission practices, it shouldn't be on the application at all. all that should matter is if they are a legal American citizen.

and if race and gender aren't playing a role in this, why are they on every application and every college admission application and everything? imo, if you want a colorblind society and don't want race or gender bias, it shouldn't be a question at all. accept the most qualified candidates and move on.


Well-Known Member
in the interest of racial equality, what do you think? should employers, colleges, etc, etc. have a "race" or "ethnicity" section on an application?

Government (our money - unvolunteered) should not be allowed to discriminate in any way whatsoever based on race, gender, etc. Should not be on the application or have any weight in the decision.

Private firms should be allowed to do whatever they want with employees (voluntary work, voluntarily funded by consumers). If I knew a company only hired whites, or only hired blacks, or women, or men, or whathaveyou, I would not purchase their products. If enough like-minded people reacted similarly, the company would either fail or change their policies. No problem having it on there.


Keep Calm and Don't Care!
Government (our money - unvolunteered) should not be allowed to discriminate in any way whatsoever based on race, gender, etc. Should not be on the application or have any weight in the decision.

but it does, thanks affirmative action.


in the interest of racial equality, what do you think? should employers, colleges, etc, etc. have a "race" or "ethnicity" section on an application?

If you are applying at McDonald's, NO. If you are applying to be a day care provider, Police officer, FBI agent, whatever, yes. In many cases, they need to do a thorough background. Race and sex are just the beginning of what they want to know about you. Then again, if you are going or a politician job or want to be a lawyer, it doesn't matter what's in your background. Good moral character not required for those two jobs.


Keep Calm and Don't Care!
If you are applying at McDonald's, NO. If you are applying to be a day care provider, Police officer, FBI agent, whatever, yes. In many cases, they need to do a thorough background. Race and sex are just the beginning of what they want to know about you. Then again, if you are going or a politician job or want to be a lawyer, it doesn't matter what's in your background. Good moral character not required for those two jobs.

good point, i dont know if you need race or gender to do a background check but i dont do that stuff so like i said i dont know. :buddies:


Keep Calm and Don't Care!
Then again, if you are going or a politician job or want to be a lawyer, it doesn't matter what's in your background. Good moral character not required for those two jobs.

I heard you don't have to be an American citizen to become POTUS. :elaine:
and i vote no.

to me, everybody is a human regardless of skin color, religion, ethnicity, gender, etc.

if we want a colorblind society, none of that should matter. if it's not being considered at all in employment or admission practices, it shouldn't be on the application at all. all that should matter is if they are a legal American citizen.

and if race and gender aren't playing a role in this, why are they on every application and every college admission application and everything? imo, if you want a colorblind society and don't want race or gender bias, it shouldn't be a question at all. accept the most qualified candidates and move on.

In theory, you should be right. However, as the law stands now, there is a legitimate reason why a potential employer might want to know applicants' race (even when it doesn't have anything to do with their suitability for a job).

If a business' hiring or promotion practices result in a disparate impact on a protected class (e.g. a sex, race, religion), they may be liable to discrimination suits under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, even if that disparate impact isn't intentional. So, even if a business is not discriminating on the basis of race, it might be legally guilty of discrimination if its policies or employment criteria just happen to result in one race being hired or promoted demonstrably less often than another.

So, it might behoove that business to know the race of applicants so that it can know if it is guilty of unintentional racial discrimination, and if so, take steps to change that result or make sure that it isn't guilty of racial discrimination (incidental though it may be).

It's a bunch of bull, but the fact remains that current law sometimes requires businesses to implement racially discriminatory policies in order to avoid liability for having unintentionally, racially disparate employment results. In other words, a form of affirmative action is sometimes mandated by U.S. law.

Government (our money - unvolunteered) should not be allowed to discriminate in any way whatsoever based on race, gender, etc. Should not be on the application or have any weight in the decision.

Private firms should be allowed to do whatever they want with employees (voluntary work, voluntarily funded by consumers). If I knew a company only hired whites, or only hired blacks, or women, or men, or whathaveyou, I would not purchase their products. If enough like-minded people reacted similarly, the company would either fail or change their policies. No problem having it on there.



Don't they find this out at the job interview? :shrug:

That was my thought too. Even if they took the blocks off of the job applications, they would still figure it out at the interview. Your name can sometimes give you away, as well. I don't know of any white males named Laquita. I guess it's possible though.
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New Member
Affirmative Action is bull####. Being a 'minority' myself, I'm fed up with the inequality amongst minorities.

Affirmative Action is meant for not basically just blacks and hispanics. The two largest minority populations, but also the two minority populations with the largest population of uneducated and poor.

Asians get squat from Affirmative Action.


New Member
Did anyone hear when Jamie Foxx said that Michael Jackson was "their people" but the white people only borrowed him? Why does it always come back to race if a black person becomes president or dies?