Race and Gender; The Big Democratic Smokesceen

Larry Gude

Strung Out
As we all know, Barack Obama is well worth celebrating because he is the first black to win a nomination for a major parties candidacy for President. Hillary Clinton is also noteworthy because, along with Gerri Ferraro, she has helped make the idea of a woman having national success rather common place as well.

Most Americans celebrate them both on those grounds; race and gender.
Not all of us though. The visceral hatred and anger towards Sarah Palin has already started. Just peek at your favorite left leaning web site or blog. Feel the love. We've seen the attacks on Condi Rice. The dismissiveness towards JC Watts. The scorn heaped on Colin Powell. And anyone 30 or older can't help but remember one of the ugliest incidents in modern American politics; the Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings.

Get ready folks, you're gonna hear every reason in the book why Palin is this or that or the other thing; anything but a great choice and a fantastic opportunity every bit as much worth celebrating as Obama's and Hillary's achievements.

So, I'd like to point out that the Dems are not being very fair when they play their race and gender cards, yet again, especially after the bruises their two major candidates laid on each other the last several months and that, once again, it has nothing to do with race or gender and everything to do with ones politics. And winning.

And I'd like you to keep that in mind when the flood of questions over Palin's suitability come thundering down from Mount Moral Outage where all our leading media figures of the day set upon their home made thrones. Just ask yourself if the question is fair, if they would ask the same questions, the same way, of a Democrat.


Maybe it won't be that way this time? THAT would be something worth celebrating as well.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
And maybe the American electorate will vote on the issues and not on party line and will actually research the candidates, all the candidates down to dog catcher, and really vote for the person they think is best qualified.

And maybe it will get below freezing in hell.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Barack Obama ACTIVELY campaigned AGAINST Michael Steele in Maryland. My question is this if a black Republican is an OREO or Uncle Tom what does that make a black democrat? A lapdog?

And another thing, slightly :offtopic: Why are (D) women so hot for Hillary healthcare and WANT gov't help but when it comes to abortion are the one's you see with. "Hey George, keep your hands out of my Bush!" signs?
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Larry Gude

Strung Out

And maybe the American electorate will vote on the issues and not on party line and will actually research the candidates, all the candidates down to dog catcher, and really vote for the person they think is best qualified.

And maybe it will get below freezing in hell.

...it just a little time. Palin and McCain come from the same point of view as to how things should be; cutting waste, serve the people. They're going to be singing the same chapter and verse whereas Obama has to pour over Joe's Senate voting record before he jumps on an issue.

The more I look into her, the more and more reasons we find why she is a fantastic match for McCain. She's a maverick, too.

Give 'em a chance. We can always return to our regularly scheduled, and well earned, cynicism, if they don't come through. If nothing else, McCain has never been much for pork.


New Member
Barack Obama ACTIVELY campaigned AGAINST Michael Steele in Maryland. My question is this if a black Republican is an OREO or Uncle Tom what does that make a black democrat? A lapdog?

I have two words: Albert Wynn

I have two more words: no comparison - Michael Steele wasn't "Hollywood" and has maintained civility in his life unlike Nobama.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
The Democrats have always been hypocrites when it comes to race and gender. They only like DEMOCRAT women and DEMOCRAT blacks - if you are a Republican either, they will eviscerate you, question your intelligence and suitability, and call you offensive names.

It's already started with Sarah Palin - who's going to raise her children while she's being VP? Yet the Democrats have always been the ones who said women can do anything, and were the champions of equal opportunity. When it suits them.

NOW tried to convince women that men were pigs and all sex was rape, then went silent when Bill Clinton sexually harassed Paula Jones and boinked his underlings. Tammy Bruce came to prominence because she had the audacity to question Clinton's womanizing when she was the president of the LA chapter, and NOW promptly drummed her out and disowned her.

They threw Oreo cookies at Steele. They called Colin Powell a house-######. They painted Condi Rice as Aunt Jemima and questioned her sexual preference.

None of this is anything new.


New Member
The Democrats have always been hypocrites when it comes to race and gender. They only like DEMOCRAT women and DEMOCRAT blacks - if you are a Republican either, they will eviscerate you, question your intelligence and suitability, and call you offensive names.

It's already started with Sarah Palin - who's going to raise her children while she's being VP? Yet the Democrats have always been the ones who said women can do anything, and were the champions of equal opportunity. When it suits them.

NOW tried to convince women that men were pigs and all sex was rape, then went silent when Bill Clinton sexually harassed Paula Jones and boinked his underlings. Tammy Bruce came to prominence because she had the audacity to question Clinton's womanizing when she was the president of the LA chapter, and NOW promptly drummed her out and disowned her.

They threw Oreo cookies at Steele. They called Colin Powell a house-######. They painted Condi Rice as Aunt Jemima and questioned her sexual preference.

None of this is anything new.

Bet they didn't ponder that issue when Kennedy was elected and John-John was 2 y/o? No, because Jackie would be taking care of the household - well, what do you think Sarah Palin's husband does while Sarah Palin is working as Governor?