Racism alive and well...

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...this crap never ceases to amaze me.

That truth, at least according to McCuen, is that black people are inferior to whites.

"Intellectually, yes they are," said McCuen. "This has been confirmed over and over, and this is a generalization. Again, there are some blacks who are more intelligent than individual whites. But as a rule, that is true. I-Q tests prove it over, and over and over."

"Do you think slavery in America was a good thing? "Yes,"

Condolezza Rice, Colin Powell, Clarence Thomas, Walter Williams, Robert Johnson, Vernon Jordon, John Thompson...on and on and on and on.

If you look at ANY successful black person, you will find the SAME types of backgrounds as any successful white person; high expectations as a child and/or unusual determination and/or goal oriented behavior and/or self sacrifice.

It is beyond me that anyone can still think blacks are inherently inferior. There is no limit to the heights in the human world that a black man or woman can achieve in relation to other peoples; Asian, Caucasian, Hispanic, Middle Eastern, so on and so forth. And there is nothing that supports the converse.

The disease of low expectations, of self imposed futility, of refusing personal responsibility that infects many blacks has the exact same devastating result on many more whites.

To say a person taken from the jungle and thrown in chains is inferior is one thing. That is a snapshot, a point in time. To hold that identical idea 300 years later in the face of fact is a snapshot of another kind. One has risen, the other is stuck in time.

Who is inferior?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
The nutty opinions of one neo-Nazi do not a consensus make. If he's doing this in the classroom, obviously he should be fired immediately. If it's just his own personal opinion and he doesn't inflict it on his students...well, you run into a little problem, don't you?

It is beyond me that anyone can still think blacks are inherently inferior.
After reading JPC's posts, nothing is beyond me anymore. People are crazy and they have all kinds of crazy ideas.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

vraiblonde said:
The nutty opinions of one neo-Nazi do not a consensus make. If he's doing this in the classroom, obviously he should be fired immediately. If it's just his own personal opinion and he doesn't inflict it on his students...well, you run into a little problem, don't you?

After reading JPC's posts, nothing is beyond me anymore. People are crazy and they have all kinds of crazy ideas.

...but this is national 1+1=2 week, so, here we go;

You can take a monkey and teach him all manner of things that would amuse and amaze but at some point, because of it's natural, inherent limitations, it's only going so far.

Frederick Douglas' wisdom and intelligence, not to mention the way he conducted himself and his incredible objectivity and astuteness of the world around him explodes off of histories pages. His masters wife taught him to read a little until massah found out and forbade it. The man went on to teach himself to write and master reading from there. He wasn't extraordinary for his specific race, he was extraordinary for mankind, period.

IF there was some inherent weakness there would be clear limits.

There are none.



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
I don't think you understand what that means.

One guy's mental illness doesn't mean the country is awash in racism. Any more than JPC's mental illness means SoMD is awash in deadbeat Dads who spraypaint courthouses. People are crazy - they have crazy ideas. Why bother giving them a spotlight?

What do you think I'm saying? :confused:

JPC, Sr.

Faith Without Works is Dead.

vraiblonde said:
I don't think you understand what that means.

One guy's mental illness doesn't mean the country is awash in racism. Any more than JPC's mental illness means SoMD is awash in deadbeat Dads who spraypaint courthouses. People are crazy - they have crazy ideas. Why bother giving them a spotlight?

What do you think I'm saying? :confused:
:larry: It is you normal people that drive me crazy. :jameo:


Super Genius
Larry Gude said:
Condolezza Rice, Colin Powell, Clarence Thomas, Walter Williams, Robert Johnson, Vernon Jordon, John Thompson...on and on and on and on.
Thomas Sowell is my favorite :yay:


In My Opinion
willie said:
Let's settle this once and for all, an IQ test between Cynthia McKinney and JPC.Sr.

is that the IQ test that they give you little building blocks to see if you can stack them up without them falling?

I saw them do that to a group of pre schoolers to see if they could figure out basic building.


In My Opinion
Larry Gude said:
It is beyond me that anyone can still think blacks are inherently inferior. There is no limit to the heights in the human world that a black man or woman can achieve in relation to other peoples; Asian, Caucasian, Hispanic, Middle Eastern, so on and so forth. And there is nothing that supports the converse.
I have to agree with you to a large extent, however in test scores the Asians come ahead of the Caucasians every time, as a caucasian, I can accept the fact that they for some reason have a greater understanding of the world around them. of course it might have to do with their family structure, and the full year school system.

the other complaint of these tests that constantly amuses me, is that the tests are biased to the white race. They are written by whites, for whites and this explaines the lower score in the black community.
How do you create a test that is biased toward one race over the other unless there is some difference between those two races to exploit when writing that test?

As far as this article goes, the teacher is correct to an extent.
based only on the average scores of each race, the whites come out on top every time.