Racist team name.....


Well-Known Member
No, not "the Washington DC franchise" as the silly sports announcers call them. No, no, something much worse... Cleveland Browns...How did they get their name???? Well, some speculate is was named after Paul Brown, who actually named the team the Cleveland Panthers. However there was a problem. Another team had that name before and threatened legal action. So, the team owner offered a $1,000.00 reward, (a war bond) to find a suitable name. Someone suggested the BROWNS after Joe Louis, a boxer (known as the Brown Bomber). So, in esssence the team name is RACIST by naming it after a BROWN man....

Only now you know the story.

Al Sharpton, Jessee, the Oneida tribe, WHERE ART THOU?????!!!!


I bowl overhand
I'm thinking Rice university is the most racist..
.when they say the Rice Kicker.. what do you imagine?.


New Member
No, not "the Washington DC franchise" as the silly sports announcers call them. No, no, something much worse... Cleveland Browns...How did they get their name???? Well, some speculate is was named after Paul Brown, who actually named the team the Cleveland Panthers. However there was a problem. Another team had that name before and threatened legal action. So, the team owner offered a $1,000.00 reward, (a war bond) to find a suitable name. Someone suggested the BROWNS after Joe Louis, a boxer (known as the Brown Bomber). So, in esssence the team name is RACIST by naming it after a BROWN man....

Only now you know the story.

Al Sharpton, Jessee, the Oneida tribe, WHERE ART THOU?????!!!!

Cool story, but apparently there is more than one story to it. I'm sure someone at the Cleveland franchise would know for sure...


"Brown, though, never really held fast to the Louis position and late in his life he would cop to the fact that the team was named after him."