I was listening to my usual radio program this morning coming into work and they had the weirdest caller call in (yes it's a dem format, but I don't know WTH this guy was)
He went on to state about the trade center towers and the pentagon were destroyed by not planes, but controlled munitions,
and that the Bush governement and mostly Cheney designed it.
And we were involved in war games at the time, and that Canada and England knows the truth, it's just a matter of time until the truth makes its way to the right-wing media-controlled press,
and this was the last election we will ever have because of the Nazi fashism that will take place under Bush..
And then this caller sums up his allegations screaming "please what ever you do, don't let you minds be manipulated!!!!!!!!!"
He went on to state about the trade center towers and the pentagon were destroyed by not planes, but controlled munitions,

And then this caller sums up his allegations screaming "please what ever you do, don't let you minds be manipulated!!!!!!!!!"