Raid On Mar-A-Lago Tells Us All We Need To Know About The DOJ


PREMO Member
When the criminal justice system is corrupted by politics, it creates a set of circumstances where American citizens’ rights may be violated for no other purpose than political gamesmanship. Make no mistake, charging someone with a crime or searching their home and private belongings are extreme measures to be taken in the interest of public safety. This is why the raid at Mar-a-Lago coming on the same week that the Democratically-controlled Senate passed a bill authorizing 87,000 new IRS agents is unsettling to many Americans.

“This is partially about Trump, but mostly a warning to conservatives and non-establishment candidates to not oppose or dissent against the uniparty Regime,” said conservative commentator John Cardillo. “Hatred of Trump is actually hatred of a voter base that would kick the establishment out of office. Tyrants hold onto power at all costs, and are sending a very Stalin-esque message to Americans that it’s not about who casts the votes, but about who counts the votes.”

Moreover, pundits show concern that increased DOJ politicization may not only be a strategy to energize the Democratic base, but also a tool to stir up a more extreme element on the right side of the aisle. Throughout the 2021-22 midterm primary election season, Democratic campaigns and their Political Action Committee (PAC) supporters have been funding less moderate, Trump-backed, candidates in key gubernatorial, senate, and congressional races – especially in battleground states.



Just sneakin' around....
"I'm Sure..."

He's totally super cereal (South Park).

Another fact-filled comment from the left.


Well-Known Member
was pretty sure the polar ice caps would be entirely gone by 2013. A lot of fact-checkers keep saying oh no he didn't - he only thought it a highly likely possibility, he didn't SAY they'd be gone.

It's been nine years - and it ain't happening. Not in our lifetimes, as it were.
I have read that the ice caps have more ice/snow, now, than ever. Gore is a joke and always has been. As he jets around in a private plane. It is all out of control. Our own government is trying to take US over and replace The Constitution With Communism. Period.
God bless the USA.🇺🇸
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PREMO Member
A lot of fact-checkers keep saying oh no he didn't - he only thought it a highly likely possibility, he didn't SAY they'd be gone.

Climate Alarmism ... nobody would be motivated to do ANYTHING or may the sacrifices The Environment Movement was demanding it the prophets only ' Thought ' X might happen

Like AOC and the latest Prophets .... we only have 20 or 10 or 5 yrs do SOMETHING ... ANYTHING ... Give Them More Power

Some Clowning running for office [ in the UK I think ] this is the LAST Election before the climate end, we need to take action NOW


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
This is what I'm seeing so far --

It wasn't long after the raid that the stories were that somehow, he had nuclear launch codes - or nuclear something. NUCLEAR. Something too dangerous to have. Speculation was in all the major outlets.

Another was, military secrets he might be willing to SELL to our enemies. 'Wouldn't put it past him'.

Umm, no. So that was abandoned. You don't even hear that stuff any more, and it's just been a couple weeks.

So now we were supposedly concerned he might have classified documents he's not allowed to have. And THAT is the gist of it now. As I understand it, the President has the authority to declassify documents. He is in no way dependent on any agency or department or Congress to intervene. He may have documentation that should go to the National Archives - you know, stuff that EVENTUALLY will be sent to his Presidential library once it is built.

So one side is saying he's not allowed to have this in his possession - but to be honest, they're not outright SAYING that - and he's saying, sorry, the law says - I CAN. So they want to charge him with the crime of obstructing justice by interfering with their effort to obtain these documents - which are his.

To the best of my knowledge, if the documents are yours and in no way are illegally in your possession - "obstruction" is a bullchit charge. It would be like demanding for his diary or the contents of his sock drawer.

In Washington, you can indict a ham sandwich, but it's ridiculous if you expect to send it to jail.


Well-Known Member
A major department of the federal government has set themselves up to be ridiculed.
To be so far out of the sane as to be laughed at.
The Justice Department of the United States has made themselves a joke.
Political bias is one thing but carrying it out to the extreme of going to a former Presidents home with 30 armed agents carrying machine guns is so far out of the extreme as to be almost unbelievable.

Add to that the fact ---yes fact-- that they have the lap top of the existing President's son with enough evidence in it to hang the now President and the FBI won't even admit that they have it.

I don't have to expend on all of the things former President Trump got done that were worthwhile and all of those things done while he was under attack with lies. Yes LIES. Falsehoods made up out of whole cloth and sworn to by his enemies, and yet a large portion of America is too stupid to understand that they voted to replace this man with an idiot and his corrupt minions.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
While the entire press is speculating - what in the world could be so devastating on the affidavit that it would need to be SO redacted?
It's a freaking affidavit. I thought this was just pretty straightforward.

My gut says - and it is consistent with Trump - it is declassified documents that are damning to the DOJ. And he kept them, for good reason.


Well-Known Member
While the entire press is speculating - what in the world could be so devastating on the affidavit that it would need to be SO redacted?
It's a freaking affidavit. I thought this was just pretty straightforward.

My gut says - and it is consistent with Trump - it is declassified documents that are damning to the DOJ. And he kept them, for good reason.

You people are really a riot. Even if true, that doesn't mean the fat guy isn't in violation of

18 U.S. Code § 793(e)
