Ramsey dud...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...from what I can garner.

I've been keeping up with the Jets training camp and fan forums and, alas, my hero doesn't appear to be impressing anyone. The only QB buzz is that Pennington is looking like he's back in great form but everyone is concerned about how he'll hold up when he actually gets hit.


My Sweetest Boy
Larry Gude said:
...from what I can garner.

I've been keeping up with the Jets training camp and fan forums and, alas, my hero doesn't appear to be impressing anyone. The only QB buzz is that Pennington is looking like he's back in great form but everyone is concerned about how he'll hold up when he actually gets hit.


Larry Gude

Strung Out
More ex-Redskin...

...pre season tidbits...

Guess who's gonna miss his new teams opening pre season game;

That's right, LaVarr.

Guess why...

That's right, sore right knee.


My Sweetest Boy
Larry Gude said:
...pre season tidbits...

Guess who's gonna miss his new teams opening pre season game;

That's right, LaVarr.

Guess why...

That's right, sore right knee.




"Typical White Person"
I like Ramsey as a Jets QB alot more than a Skin's.

Really though, I think he is a good dude and wish the best for him I am just glad he is not with us anymore, never impressed me other than his bow hunting skills.