Ranch Club Water Bill


Well-Known Member
Ok, I got my first bill in the Ranch Club since they began metering the water. I expected they'd probably hike the price on me, and I was right. But I looked at it closely....

They showed that charges increase per 1000 gallons used. The highest category was 4000+, where the cost was 28 dollars (and after than, a certain charge per 1000 gallons).

What surprised me was, not only was I in the highest category - 4000 gallons - but it was *EXACTLY* 4000 gallons.

Now maybe I shouldn't admit this, but I sure don't use much water. I don't wash my truck - not ever - and I haven't watered my lawn. I don't wash my clothes but a couple times a month, and I hate to admit this, but I don't shower every day. either. I don't use the can much at home, using it mostly at work.

That doesn't leave much for needing to *average* 133 gallons a DAY to reach 4000 gallons.

What the heck is going on here? I smell a rip-off.


Well-Known Member
Doubt it.

I have two theories. One is, I'm getting the time period wrong. It's a monthly bill, but there's no indication of periodicity for the water.

The other is, they really have no clue regarding the actual start point for the meters, since it was reported recently they had to be fixed since they were all installed BACKWARDS. So they're guessing. They're charging the highest amount, because once they have real figures, their numbers will drop, and they'll lose money.


Happy Camper!
Co-worker got her bill and it's actually been $4-5 cheaper the last 2 months (compared to the flat $20 rate). Don't know why yours is soo high.:shrug:


Well-Known Member
My suspicion is raised because it is *EXACTLY* 4000 gallons. Even with a leaky pipe, what are the chances?


New Member
Originally posted by SamSpade
My suspicion is raised because it is *EXACTLY* 4000 gallons. Even with a leaky pipe, what are the chances?

They round it to the nearest 10 gallons. Go out with a pair of channel locks or vice grips, and take the cover off the water meter. Make sure that you have NO water running in the house. I suggest shutting off the the main shutoff valve in your house...if it isn't too old. if you've never done that before, it may start to leak on you.

Look at the meter and see if the red arrow is spinning. if it is, you've got a leak. it should not move at all if you've got nothing running in the house.

I was lucky...I found my leak a few months before they started charging for water. I used 20,000 gallons in 2 months. :yikes:


New Member
We somehow managed to use 5,650. Probably not a bad estimate but in my case, that is EXACTLY what it is, an estimate. Because when I go out in my yard where they "supposedly" dug to put a meter, there is NO meter. I can see vividly from the road everyone else's meter but do not see mine. I think they are estimating our bill based on what our neighbors use.

But, I wont complain, for my usuage of 5650, my bill was only $29.90, which just leaves me wondering how the hell do they calculate these bills?:confused: