Random Slow-Sunday News...


Enjoying life!
Two things that came out today on what is most certainly an ignored news day, but I just had to post them.

First, a Newsday poll puts Bush ahead of Kerry 54% to 43%. The article is linked on Drudge. We all know what a double-digit poll lead means for a candidate.

Second, and more shocking, was an interview with Dick Gephardt on Fox News, where he made the unbelievable statement that "the Republican Convention was the most hate-filled, negative convention ever conducted". I'm paraphrasing, but that's the gist of what he said. Does he forget the DNC convention? :lol:


Dancing Up A Storm
Steve said:
Two things that came out today on what is most certainly an ignored news day, but I just had to post them.

First, a Newsday poll puts Bush ahead of Kerry 54% to 43%. The article is linked on Drudge. We all know what a double-digit poll lead means for a candidate.

Second, and more shocking, was an interview with Dick Gephardt on Fox News, where he made the unbelievable statement that "the Republican Convention was the most hate-filled, negative convention ever conducted". I'm paraphrasing, but that's the gist of what he said. Does he forget the DNC convention? :lol:
I'd heard about the double-digit bounce that GW got from the RNC early yesterday morning; the thing is the Republicans can't get too arrogant or complacent with it. I think it can disappear as fast as it came.

Steve, there are very few democrats that I would be shocked to hear that kind of rhetoric from. Can you name any yourself?
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Enjoying life!
penncam said:
Steve, there are very few democrats that I would be shocked to hear that kind of rhetoric from. Can you name any yourself?

Zell Miller? :shrug: :killingme


Dancing Up A Storm
Steve said:
Zell Miller? :shrug: :killingme
:twitch: :duh: Hmmm, how did I forget him?? The other one I was trying to come up with was Joe Leiberman; he's a decent guy, and I don't think he'd come with anything like that.

Now Kerry, Edwards, Kennedy, Byrd,Conyers Jackson-Lee, Mosely-Brown,
the dork somebody mentioned earlier - Major &^%#)(* from NY, Chris Matthews, Andrea Mitchell, Maureen Dowd, oh heck, this is way too easy-
these are folks I WOULD believe would say a thing like that!