Randy Moss to Raiders...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...OK, this was one of those 'duh' moments.

When trade rumors started I was thinking 'no way, who'd want him?'

This guy was born to be a Raider. Whatever is thought of Randy Moss in negative terms, one thing is for sure; he gets very upset and petulent when his team loses and more to the point, when he doesn't get the ball enough.

I was at the Skins game when he walked off the field before the game was over and you could see it coming. Every time the Vikes had to punt he was visibly annoyed. Every play that didn't work that DIDN'T go to him, he was visibly annoyed.

Every play that went to the guy was breathtaking and you couldn't breath again until the guy was down. He's that explosive. He's that good.

Couple him with Jerry Porter who just signed to stay put, another #1 wideout and, well, this could be like a pin ball game. You have to cover whomever is the other guy even if it's just the tight end, that's 1 player. You can't single Porter, that's 2 and 3. You HAVE to leave your safety deep for Moss because he's so fast, plus his corner, that's 4 and 5. That means only six people to play the run when most standard defenses use 7 and creep up the safety, 8, if the pass threat is not to great.

Whatever Kerry Collins shortcomings, it ain't throwing the ball deep. Whatever the running game short comings, it will be helped greatly by working against only 6 and whoever does try to pressure the quarterback will be slowed some knowing how little help there is to stop draws and screens on play action.

Coach Norv has gotta be drooling.

So, you wanna forget attitude and just win, baby, just win?

Good fit. Maybe scary good.