Ranking Jason Campbell

Jason Campbell's potential, it would seem, has always been apparent. Last year, and especially this year, he seems to be realizing some of that potential. He seems to be comfortable with the system he is in and the role he is asked to play in that system. More generally, I think his internal clock has finally caught up with the pace of the game.

So, where would you rank Jason Campbell right now among NFL quarterbacks? Ahead of whom, behind whom.

Also, what are your expectations for his place in the pantheon of Redskin's quarterbacks when his career is over? Obviously this is contingent on a lot of variables that are yet to be determined.


Football addict
Meh. I don't think it would right to rank him right now. Some could argue that he's better than P. Manning because of stats but he's not in the long haul of it all. I'd rather wait until his career has a few more years under his belt before I rank him among the elite of today's game.

However, this year so far he's a top 10 QB.