Rant #1


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I'm at the grocery store checkout and what do you suppose is staring me in the face? "Natalee drugged and forced into sex film" on the front page of the National Enquirer. :ohwell:

There should be a law against crap like that. How must her parents feel having their daughter's face plastered all over these tabloids with some lurid headline? This stuff is just heinous.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
That's horrible. I hope Natalee's parents sue them for everything that rag is worth. I have absolutely NO respect for trash like The Enquirer and its ilk.

Nanny Pam

vraiblonde said:
I'm at the grocery store checkout and what do you suppose is staring me in the face? "Natalee drugged and forced into sex film" on the front page of the National Enquirer. :ohwell:

There should be a law against crap like that. How must her parents feel having their daughter's face plastered all over these tabloids with some lurid headline? This stuff is just heinous.
I agree, but...
Go relax yourself with a :cheers: and a game of Freecell.

They'll do what ever it takes to sell papers. It's their job.


My Sweetest Boy
I hate seeing that sort of stuff but in some ways I don't see much difference in what is happening with Greta, Sean and Heraldo. The family keeps forging ahead, keeping it in the forefront.

I understand they want to find her, or at least her body, but I'm not sure I agree with everything they're doing. Just the other night, the mother confronted one of the boys that had been released. I suppose I would probably react the same way.

It's an awful situation and I think that the Aruban authorities have been less than forthcoming with information but it just seems like the whole thing is becoming a spectacle.


professional daydreamer
cattitude said:
I hate seeing that sort of stuff but in some ways I don't see much difference in what is happening with Greta, Sean and Heraldo. The family keeps forging ahead, keeping it in the forefront.

I understand they want to find her, or at least her body, but I'm not sure I agree with everything they're doing. Just the other night, the mother confronted one of the boys that had been released. I suppose I would probably react the same way.

It's an awful situation and I think that the Aruban authorities have been less than forthcoming with information but it just seems like the whole thing is becoming a spectacle.

Oh, that Natalee.


professional daydreamer
K_Jo said:
Your innocence is what attracted me to you in the first place. :poorbaby:

I rarely watch the news that closely, and this is old news at this point. I've referred to her as "that girl that went missing in Aruba" all along. :ohwell:


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
elaine said:
I rarely watch the news that closely, and this is old news at this point. I've referred to her as "that girl that went missing in Aruba" all along. :ohwell:
I just wanted an excuse to rub my crotch on your forehead. :poorbaby:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Well, I am more upset over Natalee than I am over Peter and Dana put together. I find minor celebrities who put out a press release for every little thing to be vapid and shallow.

But I digress...

I think there's definitely something fishy going on in Aruba. This girl didn't just vanish without a trace and it's been proven that these boys were with her that night AND that they lied about taking her back to her hotel, among other holes in their story. It's being covered up because the one kid's father is a wheel. We should invade.

I hope this kills off their tourism and they revert back to the third world crap hole they were before they cleaned up their beaches.


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
Well, I am more upset over Natalee than I am over Peter and Dana put together. I find minor celebrities who put out a press release for every little thing to be vapid and shallow.

But I digress...

I think there's definitely something fishy going on in Aruba. This girl didn't just vanish without a trace and it's been proven that these boys were with her that night AND that they lied about taking her back to her hotel, among other holes in their story. It's being covered up because the one kid's father is a wheel. We should invade.

I hope this kills off their tourism and they revert back to the third world crap hole they were before they cleaned up their beaches.



My Sweetest Boy
vraiblonde said:
I think there's definitely something fishy going on in Aruba.

Absolutely. The stepfather was talking with Sean Hannity on Monday night. He said that there is testimony from Joran (the Dutch kid) that he performed a sex act with Natalee against her will. The authorities won't make that public but he swore that it was true and that it was in the record. That is one of the reasons they haven't released him. They also have TEN different stories from him. UFB


Asperger's Poster Child
jazz lady said:
I have absolutely NO respect for trash like The Enquirer and its ilk.
Me neither. The only one I would even consider reading is the Weekly World News, because it's so obviously a joke.


On the pages of Weekly World News, space aliens regularly make political endorsements. The newspaper is forever discovering a new World's Fattest Person, the most recent crushing the scales at more than 3,000 pounds. Moms give birth to 20 children at once. Cats have litters of 150. A World War II bomber is found on the moon. Giant fleas the size of Labrador retrievers terrorize the Midwest. </NITF>
<NITF>Even the modest, below-the-fold stories in Weekly World News deliver something special. The newspaper once reported that a strange object orbiting the Earth had been positively identified as a clot of all those helium balloons kids had let go of over the years.</NITF>

Larry Gude

Strung Out
At the risk of initiating Rant #3...

vraiblonde said:
I'm at the grocery store checkout and what do you suppose is staring me in the face? "Natalee drugged and forced into sex film" on the front page of the National Enquirer. :ohwell:

There should be a law against crap like that. How must her parents feel having their daughter's face plastered all over these tabloids with some lurid headline? This stuff is just heinous.

...I think, after two months, Natalies parents are numb and immune to what some rag has to say. They've been dealing with facing the near certain fact that their girl is dead and near certainty she died some horrific murder novel death and that they may never be able to bury her at home or ever know what happened.

To that end, keeping her disappearance current in whatever fashion may serve to help keep up the pressure for the answers, pressure which Aruba CLEARLY wishes would go away.

They must be losing millions per month from people who won't go nor allow their kids to go to that island. Allegations that the government is allowing snuff film perpetrators go free gains more attention, more pressure.

In the mean time the Star is putting in print what people are speculating and perhaps things they've heard, things the parents may have been told to prepare themselves for. Printed words cannot make their agony any worse.

I am not trying to Saint this kind of stuff; the rags are in it for the money, not public service. But it may do some good. The real bad guys ain't talking just yet.