Ravens vs. G-Men......


Supper's Ready
The next play after Eli hard counts the Ravens offside twice, the announcer says "this time it takes the Ravens about a day and a half to get off the ball"


Interception Ravens as they get ready to hit the locker room...


Dancing Up A Storm
Till that interception at the end of the half, Ravens been playing like Great Mills High. My prediction NY 34 Ravens 10.

Your score prediction was real close, however I imagine the G-men are extremely happy to win at 30 - 10!! :larry:

Note: According to the NFL Recap show, the NEW YORK GIANTS outrushed the Ravens - humongously! Apparently the first time in 11 years, a team ran for over 200 yards against them. Ouch!

I think I also heard that the Ravens QB, Flacco(sp?) outrushed his own running backs today. Gotta step up guys!

Well now, I can only imagine how it feels inside the G-Mens' locker room - sitting atop the NFC East at 9 and 1.

G-G-G-G-r-e-a-t!! :patriot: