RE: Dean...good news Vrai!


Lovin' being Texican
"Privately, people have said they don't want Howard Dean to become the story because we have more important issues to talk about," said Donna Brazile, who managed Al Gore's presidential campaign in 2000.

Hmmmmmm. Who to believe; one loser or the other.


Well-Known Member
Donna Brazile is a moron. I was born and raised in Boston, Ma., so I've known of her since she worked for DUKAKIS. 'Nuff said.


There's something new that I've just noticed about Dean. He's being labled pretty heavilly in the press as being mean, heavilly biased, disrespectful, hurtfull, i.e., having a lot of issues with dealing with other people on a personal level. Which leads me to ask... where's Mrs. Dean in all this??? Political wives usually don't get involved in disputes/discussions about policy, but when their man gets attacked on a personal level, they are usually right in the ring fighting for their man, saying they know him better than anyone, or how wrong these statements are wrong, etc.

Mrs Dean isn't coming to his defense, and the media isn't pushing her for interviews or wondering about her silence on all this, and to me that seems pretty odd. The only reasons that I can think of for her not coming forward are that she really, truely, wants nothing to do with politics, or because she can only agree with the allegations. Now the media, on the other hand, hasn't shown any restraint in pushing hard for comments regardless of the feelings of the commentator, so the only reason I can see for their inaction is they know that Mrs. Dean is likely to say "Yeah, Howard is a dick."


Lovin' being Texican
Bruzilla said:
Mrs Dean isn't coming to his defense, and the media isn't pushing her for interviews or wondering about her silence on all this, and to me that seems pretty odd. The only reasons that I can think of for her not coming forward are that she really, truely, wants nothing to do with politics, or because she can only agree with the allegations. Now the media, on the other hand, hasn't shown any restraint in pushing hard for comments regardless of the feelings of the commentator, so the only reason I can see for their inaction is they know that Mrs. Dean is likely to say "Yeah, Howard is a dick."

I believe Mrs. Dean is Dr. Dean and has a busy medical practice. If you will recall the run-up in 2004, Mrs (Dr.) Dean was critically absent from Mr (Dr.) Dean's campaign until after mid-way and he wasn't doing too well :)loser:) .

I suspect she accurately recognizes that as the sole-successful-breadwinner in the family, she should keep to business. She doesn't want to become another example of that earlier Mrs. Dean (Mo Dean).

I stand corrected (see Vrai's note below)
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
First of all, she is not Mrs. Dean - she is Ms. Steinberg, or Dr. Steinberg. She, like Teresa Heinz and Hillary Rodham, only started using her husband's surname during the election. Prior to that, they used their maiden name (or, in Heinz's case, her dead husband's name).

If Howard Dean were a Democratic Presidential nominee, she'd probably be out there standing by her man. As it stands, he's nothing so she probably doesn't see any need to disrupt her life and career by getting her nose in his career.


Lenny and Vrai, I can agree with the possibility of both of your observations, but that doesn't explain the lack of media effort to get Mrs. "Dean"'s input on the controversy. How many times have you seen the personal issues of a politician attacked where the wife didn't have a bunch of reporters camped out on her doorstep? I can't remember any. It seems to me that the media is following the "If you can't say something nice about someone, don't put a mike and camera in front of them" principal.


And In the Latest Showing of Dems Don't Get It

In this piece from the Chicago Sun Times about how Dean is getting his act together, Lynn Sweet writes "Republicans want to demonize Dean, and his "white, Christian'' remark seems to only highlight the success the GOP has had within the evangelical community.

"To counter this, Sunday afternoon, Dean talked about the Bible, Jesus, respecting people who disagree with you and the persuasive power of deep convictions.

"It came out right.

"Let me remind those Republicans,'' he said, that the Bible mentions helping the poor "3,000 times. I have not yet seen gay marriage mentioned in the Bible. That is a Republican issue.''

Since about 80% of American voters are opposed to legalizing gay marriage, and Dean's saying that this is a Republican issue only, isn't he telling a lot of people that they are in fact Republicans and should vote Republican if they're opposed to gay marriage? How can one possible say that comment "came out right?"