READY: Petition To Allow Modern Handgun Hunting In


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PDF files are available to download and print to collect signatures from
your group, club, or anyone who might be interested in supporting the
regulation change on the petition page. Pass this on to everyone you know.

"Petition To Allow Modern Handgun Hunting
In Region B Of Maryland - 2012 Proposal"

This Petition Is Sponsored By:
Southern Maryland Shooting Times

This petition is now available to the public for reviewing and signing.
All of the details can be found by visiting the petitions page below.
Closing date for SMST Petition / Public Comment is October 1, 2011

Review & Sign Petition Here



New Member
Originally Posted by ThumperIII
I support your effort and an update in the regulations. Signed petition.

I expect, for any chance of success, any one petition must address only a single issue. As a separate issue, has there been any thought to a petition for reduction of the minimum energy or minimum barrel length restrictions on handguns for deer hunting? I do favor ammunition capable of delivering a humane kill (in the hands of a competent user). Requiring a 700ft/lb minimum for modern handguns is more than a bit of over the capability of a legal to use muzzleloader pistol. Without endangering the present lesser requirements for BP handguns, are there reasonable arguments favoring reduction of the modern handgun energy minimum to a more reasonable 450 to 500 ft/lb minimum? Or even using a real gauge of bullet 'momentum' or the commonly used 'power factor' definition of competitive shooting orgs as a legal standard?

Or is MD more concerned that a lowered minimum for handguns used in hunting might somehow allow increased pressure for legal carrying of the common self defense caliber/size of handgun?

Good luck with your petition.

Thank you for your support and signing the petition.

You have asked a few questions and I can assure you that there are many specific points in consideration that coincide with the base of the petition. We have a running list of demands and considerations that will be discussed in supporting the petitions base regulation changes.

We really need more public comments like you have made here, this is what helps to spell out the specifics and details, of the final outcome of the changes in regulation. I hope you will help spread the word about the petition and urge others to take part in signing it as well.

The petition is not based solely on the specific "single issue" of Handgun Hunting for Deer, there are other addendums, and side proposals, that will be included in the final proposal package for consideration, this does include minimums and maximums on the "Foot Pound" / muzzle energy issues as well. As far as ballistics concerns and how this regulation proposal may impact other regulations, we have taken those issues into consideration too. We are offering the information we gather and ideas come from more than our group of brain-stormers, we're still dependent on the public to voice their thoughts for inclusion in the final package.

The object is to make the public's requests to regulation changes known and that is the purpose of the petition and Public Comments emails that we are collecting. This is part the main reason why so many Maryland regulations are outdated and seem unreal, no one makes the effort to step up and challenge the rules, people do a lot talking, but, few make the effort. One thing can lead to another, but, if no one wants to help lead an issue to a point where it can possibly have a life, then we may as well stop trying to protect our hunting rights altogether.

If we had a signature for every person who has already viewed this thread on this forum alone, we'd be well on our way to change, but, that has not happened yet, so, all we can do is put a boulder at the base of the mountain and hope enough people can help get that boulder to the top of the mountain. The boulder is there, all you need to do is go sign the petition.

I also want to let everyone know that we, I, SMST are quite interested in what people have to say about the petition and the efforts being made, and we want to receive email feedback related to the public's comments, Public comments alone go a long way to changing regulations with the Maryland DNR.

Simply put, signing the petition is not a requirement to make changes happen, but, opening your mouth is. So, with that said, to everyone who reads this, please sign the petition or send us an email with your comments. Hopefully in a 12 month time span, I'll have something I can hand deliver to the Wildlife & Heritage committee.