recommend pediatric urologist o surgeon?


Active Member
My 3 year old granddaughter has just been diagnosed with renal reflux- urine flowing back into kidney from bladder causing infection and scarring. Surgery is recommended treatment. Of course we want to ensure the best result. I would appreciate the name of a pediatric urolist or surgeon in the Washington DC or Baltimore area. Thanks


My son has Bilateral Reflux of the Kidneys. He outgrew it. I am so glad for that. We went to Dr. Yegappan Lakshmanan at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore. There staff is awesome. They sit with you and help you through the testing. I needed that.


Well-Known Member
My son was diagnosed pre-natal with bi-lateral stage 4-5 renal reflux, took him a month early for fear the there was a blockage that needed repair. They waited till he was two before the surgery, the plumbing is easier to work with. Roger W. Voigt, MD 800-492-5538 did the surgery. He was out of University Hospital in Baltimore at the time. This was almost ten years ago, no problems since and never slowed him down. He was playing with his trucks in the dirt the day he got home, bladder drain bag and all.