Recommendation: Upgrading Router


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
We have a couple old routers in our house. I'm not crazy about REPLACING them until I can see how well a replacement will work.

Case in point, last srping I sprang for a bunch of wi-fi "mesh" nodes - and none of them work, now. I'm at my wit's end with them, and glad I didn't replace my previous system.

Problem - cable modem coming INTO the house is at one corner - and I don't have a reasonable solution for moving it - and we can't always get coverage for the rest of the house. So sometime back I put in one of those powerlink adapters into the electrical outlet and attached another router to THAT, on the opposite end of the house.

That was years ago. They're both showing age, and performance is spotty, espeically as we add more and more devices.

What do you recommend? What can I get now that will REALLY penetrate the walls and floors? As it is, we sometimes have lousy connections when the connecting device is just down the halway.