ok! Well this is going to a difference in my answers cause in some ways I will be contradicting myself.
1) I do believe, that we need them in certain high traffic areas, such as St. Andrews/4 intersection, and the Pegg Road intersection with the base. For the simple fact, that people are in SUCH a rush, that they dont even think about any one but themselves. I can claim that I have both been victim to it, and also a contributor. So therefore, in those areas yes, I do very much agree they should have them. But! for all areas, such as,
Leonardtown/Hollywood road...why?
and so on...I dont understand, what is the point of needing them in that area. I mean, it just more tax dollars in use, for reasons that are not even understandable.
The only one I am debating, on with myself, is the area, of Great Mills, well Lexington Park/Great Mills. Because of the fact, that there are alot of pedestrians, including my best friend, and her kids (im not partialor anything...lol
) and I think, that in that particular area, yes, they should have them, because its more or less, a shopping area per say, and a HIGH pedestrian area. But then again, I know there will be disagreements.
I dont think it is fair, that we should have them, being a county not a city. Its not fair, majority is right on that, but, its better...IN THOS PARTICULAR AREAS, to have it, than to have your car recked, and you shelling out, more than enough, when the other person,may not even be caught. you know... I am just once again stating my opinion.