Red States and Cities


PREMO Member

As you can see at the bottom of the BLS chart, these numbers cover non-farm payrolls from the period of 2020-2024 -- also known as the Biden Debacle. Outside of Nevada, where the hospitality industry will always create jobs, there isn't a state that even leans blue in the top 10 and only two in the top 20. Nevada is also barely blue; Trump won the state by three points in 2024.

Meanwhile, the bottom of the chart is a nearly solid wall of blue.

No wonder D.C. is such a horror. There seems to be nothing else to do there. And you can be certain that the tiny number that D.C. DOES report are all government jobs.




PREMO Member

Mexican Migrant & Illegal Immigrant Face INSTANT REGRET After Breaking Into WRONG Florida Man's Home​
