You interpreted my comment, MGKrebs, as a "crude generalization". I never said anything about welfare in that post. YOU brought that up.
FYI, my family grew up on welfare. My mother received it until I was 13. I lived in the harshest parts of Philadelphia. But you know what? My mother taught us to rely on ourselves; she volunteered as much as possible, at schools, at polls, whereever and for whoever needed help, she was there. And she's always been a Republican, albeit one who voted for who she thought was the best candidate, and the issues she thought most important.
There are many more socialized programs than just welfare, sir. Metropolis areas also have a huge Union influence, again employing the concept of "power in numbers" to push through agendas, when what you really have in reality is just another layer of beauracracy for working people to deal with. Unions go so far as to tell their members who they should vote for! You aware of that? I am, because I was in a Union for three years. Firefighters, police departments, public transportation, all additional tax funded programs that support the "Zone Metropolis". Do we have those here? I think not.
The Democrats are notoriously effective at whipping up otherwise inconsequential hurdles in life into do-or-die issues. They play on people's fears and coerce them into believing in the "us against them" mentality, the them being rich, white men. They convince people that the rich, white men can be forced to give up their money to help the [misguided and misled] disenfranchised. Meanwhile, they themselves are just as rich. Kerry was the richest candidate running this go around.
And your comment that the poor have very little connection to politics makes you look like an ass. You criticize me for calling attention to social programs, yet the poor need your help so desparately. That mentality is what pisses me off! "Whatever would these poor folk do if it weren't for me and my Party? Alas..."
And it was your intention to insult me. Yet another Democratic tactic: put people down, then declare your innocence. Sorry, I am not that gullible, my friend.