Redheads feel more pain than people with dark hair


Lawful neutral
Redheads feel more pain than people with dark hair - Telegraph

Researchers have begun a trial to see whether pale-skinned and red-haired people react differently to pain.

They believe that redheads may need greater levels of anaesthetic during operations or increased painkillers.

Researchers at Southampton University Hospital have recruited redheaded volunteers aged over 30, anaesthetised them and gave them small electric shocks on the thigh.

They were then tested to see if they felt more pain than a control group who had black or brown hair.


Yae warsh wif' wutr
Yeah, they're also whip-snap, fire crackers.....I'd know....I've got two of them:larry:

Both boys can be as tough as nails though, but that can really depend upon whether they are tired, or hungry, and bored.