

New Member
For all those who have "reservations" or rather BAD THINGS TO SAY, regarding the new design of formerly Tailgates in White Plains Maryland, I want to let you know, until you actually go there, you really have no right to make any comment or pass judgement. I really despite those people who don't vote an constantly complain!

Consider this my invite to the Charles County Commissioners or any other person who is ready, willing and able to pass judgement to actually go there before you pass judgement.

The menu is very well planned, the food is very well prepared, the service is good and why not let us welcome an establishment that is trying to bring the true Southern style cooking. It is called SOUTHERN HOSPITALITY!

I'm guessing if in the past, as it was, it were called White Ladies, there really would have been a bunch of XXXt to put up with.

Why can't we all just get along?

Love & Peace


2ballscrewball said:
The toilets outside the front doors used as flower planters is the greatest.
That could be the place is incorporating environmentaly friendly design. Why waste all that urine, recycle :yay:


just one of those days...
From what I was told by a reliable source (I haven't been there myself yet). The place is 100% better than it was when it was Tailgates. I am glad that someone made that place into something different. And the people that keep B****ing about it in the Maryland Independent need to stop and check the place out before the judge it poorly. I think that the name is neat. There won't be as much trouble coming from there as they had before if they have just have the rednecks there. I hope the place makes it. Waldorf needed something different.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I'm guessing if in the past, as it was, it were called White Ladies, there really would have been a bunch of XXXt to put up with.
What's it called now? :confused:


Should be Huntin
princess73 said:
From what I was told by a reliable source (I haven't been there myself yet). The place is 100% better than it was when it was Tailgates. I am glad that someone made that place into something different. And the people that keep B****ing about it in the Maryland Independent need to stop and check the place out before the judge it poorly. I think that the name is neat. There won't be as much trouble coming from there as they had before if they have just have the rednecks there. I hope the place makes it. Waldorf needed something different.
Heck even when it was tailgates we used to drive the Tractor there :lmao: I stopped going there though to much trouble.


New Member
Those who cast the first in glass houses

Like I said, do not knock it until you have tried it. Those who live in glass houses, usually cast the first stone.

It is what it is. I love Charles County, just get tired of having suburban shoved down my throat! It is the good ole boy mentality, you scratch my back, i'll scratch your's that has gotten this county the way it is now. Nothing more. The same ole.... same ole.... Like I said earlier, just like those who vote (of course I don't know what happend last election in this County) come on down and have some corn fritters, or maybe even a fried bologna sandwich. Oh, but I doubt anyone here has ever had a fried bologna sandwich, or even better a fried spam sandwich. Growing up here, I think we called it a Poor Boy Sandwich. Oh, forgive me if I'm not politically correct.

I had many. And loved and appreciated them all!


New Member
Like I said, do not knock it until you have tried it. Those who live in glass houses, usually cast the first stone.

It is what it is. I love Charles County, just get tired of having suburban shoved down my throat! It is the good ole boy mentality, you scratch my back, i'll scratch your's that has gotten this county the way it is now. Nothing more. The same ole.... same ole.... Like I said earlier, just like those who vote (of course I don't know what happend last election in this County) come on down and have some corn fritters, or maybe even a fried bologna sandwich. Oh, but I doubt anyone here has ever had a fried bologna sandwich, or even better a fried spam sandwich. Growing up here, I think we called it a Poor Boy Sandwich. Oh, forgive me if I'm not politically correct.

I had many. And loved and appreciated them all!

I had fried "Bologney" sandwiches when I was a kid. My Dad loved fried Spam. That is all I have to add, I have know idea what this thread is about... :lmao:


greyhound said:
I had fried "Bologney" sandwiches when I was a kid. My Dad loved fried Spam. That is all I have to add, I have know idea what this thread is about... :lmao:

I always like fried bologney cause if you do not slice it it swells up and looks like a Boobie :whistle:


aka Mrs. Giant
Yankees :rolleyes:

This is a po-boy sammich


All Up In Your Grill
I love fried bologna sammiches. When I go to race tracks or ball tournaments in North Carolina, I look for them. They cut the bologna real thick. :drool:

I like fried spam too.

Anybody wanna go to Redneck's with me?


aka Mrs. Giant
nachomama said:
I love fried bologna sammiches. When I go to race tracks or ball tournaments in North Carolina, I look for them. They cut the bologna real thick. :drool:

I like fried spam too.

Anybody wanna go to Redneck's with me?
:howdy: I wanna go so I can laugh at the Yankee version of Southern Hospitality.