New Member
For all those who have "reservations" or rather BAD THINGS TO SAY, regarding the new design of formerly Tailgates in White Plains Maryland, I want to let you know, until you actually go there, you really have no right to make any comment or pass judgement. I really despite those people who don't vote an constantly complain!
Consider this my invite to the Charles County Commissioners or any other person who is ready, willing and able to pass judgement to actually go there before you pass judgement.
The menu is very well planned, the food is very well prepared, the service is good and why not let us welcome an establishment that is trying to bring the true Southern style cooking. It is called SOUTHERN HOSPITALITY!
I'm guessing if in the past, as it was, it were called White Ladies, there really would have been a bunch of XXXt to put up with.
Why can't we all just get along?
Love & Peace
Consider this my invite to the Charles County Commissioners or any other person who is ready, willing and able to pass judgement to actually go there before you pass judgement.
The menu is very well planned, the food is very well prepared, the service is good and why not let us welcome an establishment that is trying to bring the true Southern style cooking. It is called SOUTHERN HOSPITALITY!
I'm guessing if in the past, as it was, it were called White Ladies, there really would have been a bunch of XXXt to put up with.
Why can't we all just get along?
Love & Peace