Redskins away game get-togethers!


Football addict
Alright, I started a thread just like this one before the season started but...

...I got a big-screen tele and I wanted to watch a few of the important away games on that.

The Skins 'should' crush the Lions this week. Therefore, I propose us Skins fans (and other NFL fans) get together at one of two places to watch the game(s). Let's have some fun, good-ribbing, decent food, brewskies or Shirley Temples and the like.

Damons across from gate 3 or...

...The Green Turtle in Prince Frederick.

If enough people are interested we'll go ahead and do this.:dye:


New Member
Yes, that would probably work out better.:lmao:

Jake and Al's in Lusby is a good place for Skins fans to watch the game. If you have never been there they have 7 40 + inch LCD's and one large projection TV. During Skins games they put the Skins on the large projection TV and one of the HD 40 + inch TV's with surround sound. I like it there because they also have the NFL package and they will put on any other game you would want to watch. Plus they run specials during football games.

Just wanted to give you guys a suggestion. :buddies:


Too bad you all don't venture up to Waldorf. Hard Times Cafe' is a fun place to watch games at. We went there for the Skins/Rams game and it was fun. They show all the games being played so whoever your team is they will have it on. They have pretty good food too. Also we watched a couple of games at Hooters last year and had a good time. Hooters has some good specials during football games.:buddies:


Active Member
Do the Greene Turtle. They are all about the Redskins anyway. It will make it more fun and they have great specials during the game also.


Football addict
Do the Greene Turtle. They are all about the Redskins anyway. It will make it more fun and they have great specials during the game also.
I like their food too.

I picked Damons because of the large tele's and I got a connection there. Plus, a lot of forumites live in St. Mary's or Calvert.

I picked The Green Turtle because it's sort of a mid-way point for forumites I suppose. They have awesome food and too many tele's to count.

I've never been to Jake and Al's so I'll have to check that out.

I think Waldorf would have the best food but it would be tough getting all the southern forumites to drive that distance.