Redskins basic problem...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...this may comes as a sarcastic 'no sh#t' to you non beleivers out there but I think the Redskins biggest stumbing block to consistently being a good team is...

...Dan Snyder.

I'll wait why you catch your breathe.

I was listening to the John Thompson radio show and Doc Walker said "Hey, they offer Smoot $10 mil to stay and then turn around and offer Somari Rolle, a guy with no job by the way, $15 mil. Everyone knows that they don't take care of their own but they roll out the red carpet for strangers."

And there it is.

Dion Sanders.
Bruce Smith.
Jeff Goerge.
1/2 the O line
All of the D line.
Coachs GALORE.

Everyone comes here to get paid.

Now, this is something anyone who's worked more than a few places can relate to. A boss who gets all excited about the new guy or gal and doesn't have the time of day for the old guy or gal once the brand new luster has worn some.

Quick fixes. Million dollar solutions to thousand dollar problems.

It was said that this is how Snyder ran his business before. It was all about the appearance, the show, and that is the Skins every Spring; exciting new hires. New man with the plan.

So, there, the denial is over. The Redskins have no future other than the next shiny new bauble until Dan completely changes how he does business (and we've all seen bosses turn over a new leaf how often?) or he sells the team.

Gibbs, the legend, is an old man. He can't keep up with the grind. But he did sell Danny some seats and get his name in the papers.

I guess it's time to start celebrating the simple things, like kick offs that don't go out of bounds and just enjoy anything good after that as a miracle.



Nothing to see here
Yes, the biggest problem is Snyder but things would be alot smoother if his buttboy Cerratto was gone and not in his ear.


You're all F'in Mad...
George Michael said tonght that the Rolle deal was fiction.

In the same newscast, he said they Moss for Coles could still happen.


You're all F'in Mad...
Turns out that free agents always namedrop the Redskins as a negotiating tactic. Apparently, Rolle said the Skins were courting him, to get more value for himself since Snyder is known around the league to overpay for free agents.

I sure hope Smoot finds a way to re-sign with the Redskins.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Here's the thing...

I sure hope Smoot finds a way to re-sign with the Redskins.

Fred is a corner. You can pay corners all the money in the world and they will not decide ball games. Two words: Champ Bailey.

Great corner, maybe the best but the best corner in the game or even if you had two great ones, say Fred and Champ on the same team like we did, is useless without a good line to put pressure on the QB and good LB's to cover screens, hold up tight ends and help clog passing lanes.

Fred is gonna be worth probably $10 mill or better in the market. He's not worth that to a Greg Williams defense which is, like the Patriots and any good defense, a team defense.

We didn't miss Champ one bit.

Denver didn't miss Portis one bit.

We won't miss Fred. He's earned a fat contract. Let him go get it.

Hell, we didn't miss LaVarr last year. Or Barrow.

Indy was no closer after paying Peyton $36 million than the year before.

There isn't one single guy we could buy, including Tom Brady, that would make the Redskins Super Bowl Champs next year. Not one.

The owners can do what they want but in a business where the average, AVERAGE career is four years, dumping tons of money into a few key guys might put butts in seats but it does not put trophies in cases.

It's all about coaching and team.


I wonder if the Native Americans are really really pissed now and are going to retry the name change thing.

The Washington Snyders!

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I wonder if the Native Americans are really really pissed now and are going to retry the name change thing.

The Washington Snyders!

This is the time to get 'r done. No one is going to support Dan now. Not even for this.

I like, I think, IIRC, Dan Daly, WashTimes; "The Snydermen"


Nothing to see here
This is the time to get 'r done. No one is going to support Dan now. Not even for this.

I like, I think, IIRC, Dan Daly, WashTimes; "The Snydermen"

And the outcry from the players union? answer - We'd rather play for Rush!!