Redskins Draft Analysis...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I've fallen on hard times folks. You can send your sympathys and get well donations in care of this station.

I've lost the faith. St. Joe is still not a player personel guy.

Brunnell was disaster #1 that I had to overcome. The people that knew him best, Jacksonville, knew he was done.

Portis was #2. No one is worth that kind of money. It is a TEAM game. Denver got the water boy to fill for Clinton and of their problems last year the running game was not one. See what Champ did for them? Not much improvement, huh? Indy still ate their lunch.

Losing Pierce was #3. I am speechless, still, over this.

Losing Smoot is #4. So, we're gonna give some kid who hasn't played a down in the NFL as much or more $ as a guy who, if not the greatest of all time, was a very solid part of the team AND played hurt AND was a 'team' guy.

Losing Coles was #5. If you can't use a tough SOB like him...

Sean Taylor is #6. Prima Miami Hurricane Dona.

LaVarr is #6.5 because it isn't all his fault. Who's dumber, LaVarr not knowing what was in his contract or the Skins for not making this go away a long time ago? He's always upset about something.

Now, to the draft, which MUST be viewed in the reality of the current sad state of affairs.

Leading up to the draft, all we had to do was sign Pierce and keep Fred and the defense would have been FINE. FINE. Near PERFECT. Anyone recall defense being a problem last year??? iF IT AIN'T BROKE, BREAK IT. The Snyder method. How easy would that have been?

So, then, we needed to focus on Ramsey being the guy by letting Brunnell GO, KEEP Coles and let him run a deep out or fly on EVERY play (Gary Clark anyone?), find out how Portis (because he's here) wants to run (hey, the running game used to be tailored to Riggo, so, you go with what you got, right?) then count on the line being healthy which everyone is stuck doing every year, find one or two key line back up vet guys (because lines DON'T stay healthy) and come up with maybe ONE speed guy at WR from the draft.

If not, trade down to get those future O and D linemen who can at least play some downs now, maybe even find a future corner in the 3rd or 4th.

So, what do we do?

Because we HAD to, we go for a big name corner. Pray he is more Darell Green than Sean Taylor. 'Ninth pick huh, I was be GREAT!'

And, of course, we pick a QB. Naturally. Even if Patrick is NOT the guy, where is the value in pissing away a top pick, with other RIGHT NOW needs? This pick was a total waste and I don't care if he becomes Michael Vick. Vick won't win a Super Bowl until the Falcons as a team get better.


This goes to emphasize the budding team chemistry we have with all the Hurricanes (Taylor and Moss) running their own camp, Patrick now forced to say, once again "I guess this is just Joe's way of saying he believes in me"
no wide out and three more picks left in the WHOLE draft.
