Redskins Humor



"Be careful not to speed in Washington D.C.; the police are handing out
Redskins tickets."

Q: What's the difference between the Redskins and a dollar bill?

A: You can still get four quarters out of a dollar.

Q: What do you call 47 people watching an NFL playoff game on TV?

A: The Washington Redskins.

Announcement from public address system at FedEx Field:

"Will the parents who lost your eleven kids here at the stadium please come
get them. They are beating the Redskins 14-0."

Q: What do the Redskins and possums have in common?

A: Both play dead at home and get killed on the road.

Football practice was delayed on Wednesday for nearly two hours for the
Redskins. While on his way to the locker room, one of the players happened
to look down and noticed a suspicious-looking, unknown white powdery
substance on the practice field. Steve Spurrier immediately suspended
practice while the FBI was called in to investigate. After a complete field
analysis, the FBI determined that the white substance unknown to the players
was the goal line. Practice was resumed when the FBI decided that the team
would not be likely to encounter the substance again.

Q: What do the Washington Redskins and Billy Graham have in common?

A: Both can make 60,000 people stand up and yell, "Jesus Christ!"

Q: How do you keep the Redskins out of your yard?

A: Put up goal posts.

Q: What do you call a Redskin with a Super Bowl Ring?

A: A thief.

Q: Why was Steve Spurrier upset when the Redskins' playbook was stolen?

A: He wasn't finished coloring in it yet.


I just realized after looking over the thread that this was already posted...:crazy: :duh: Sorry for not paying attention; it's almost 4 p.m., and I am out of here!!:blushing:


Dancing Up A Storm
Hey, don't fret............

Originally posted by Flo
I just realized after looking over the thread that this was already posted...:crazy: :duh: Sorry for not paying attention; it's almost 4 p.m., and I am out of here!!:blushing:
:biggrin: ..........because otter, Catt, MainMan and Larry and, oh almost forgot, Ken King will agree with just about all of the not-so-farfetched reasons why the Redskins will be watching from their TV sets during playoff time - just like my idiot NY Giants will.

However, I know the Washington bunch had much higher ambitions this year than NY did.

Well hell, both camps can now say "wait 'til next year"!

There's a good chance both teams will have new coaches, too.

But you know take heart football fans, last years' superbowl champs ain't doin' so well either, so I guess the old saying is still true: "last year's champs - this year's losers!"


Q: What do the Washington Redskins and Billy Graham have in common?

A: Both can make 60,000 people stand up and yell, "Jesus Christ!"



Set Trippin
When I saw Redskins and Humor in the title of this thread, I thought there was going to be a copy of Washingtons playbook in here...:rolleyes:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by mainman
When I saw Redskins and Humor in the title of this thread, I thought there was going to be a copy of Washingtons playbook in here...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Ha ha...

...har dee effing har har.

Go ahead. Have your little laugh.

Done yet?

Fine. We'll get Dan to buy up your site for $10 million a year for five years, guaranteed, and then CUT your ass!!! Ha! Fired! HA HA!!!

We'll see who's laughing then, little missy. Ha. Put you out on your butt...with nothing to show...but...a you...err..who



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Larry Gude
We'll get Dan to buy up your site for $10 million a year for five years, guaranteed, and then CUT your ass!!! Ha! Fired! HA HA!!!
Well, we're not as smart as a Redskins football player, that's for sure, but I think I can speak for David and say
